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Maya POV

"The Quidditch field is booked till the end of Quidditch season! Not one empty slot except during class hours." Roger bellowed. His words echoed against the stone walls of the Ravenclaw locker room.

"What did you expect? Wood is a Quidditch crazed maniac and Flint a sadist, how did you expect to find open spots this late into the season?" Jeremy sneered.

"Let's beg Flitwick to clear out some slots for us." Grant Page suggested.

"Cedric asked me out," Cho whispered to me.

"You go girl! Cedric sure is dreamy!" I winked at her. I felt sad for myself, even the third years had a better love life than me. It sucks to be me.

"Are you sure you are fine with it, Maya? I mean you and Cedric seem to have hit off at Pulser's last weekend."

"Cedric? Really," I remembered dancing with him for a couple of minutes. "Naaah, you are reading too much into it. You go for it" I whispered back.

"Girls!" Roger interrupted our conversation. "You both have close contacts on the other team, clear some slots for us," he ordered.

"What are you talking about?" I snapped at Roger.

"Quidditch boys worship you, let's see between the two of you we have Wood, Weasley, Flint, Pucey, Warrington, Diggory and Potter covered. Persuade them to give up some slots. You know what to do." He sounded desperate.

"Sure Roger." Cho sang. Kiss ass

"How am I supposed to get slots from Wood? We have better changes of discovering Nargles than getting Wood to surrender his slots." I shook my head in disapproval.

"Flirt with him Maya, maybe cry a little. If there is anyone who stands a chance, it's you. Or ask Weasley to drown Wood in jello or something." Jeremy smirked.

"I am going to feed you to the giant squid, Stretton," I was furious.

"Wood is on the field now" Jason Samuels had decided to open his mouth. All my teammates stared at me.

I hate them!

"Aaaagaaah! Fine I will do it." I reluctantly walked towards the exit.

"You might want to put on your Ravenclaw Quidditch robes. On average your hotness quotient increases by approximately 30% in them, up to 50% in Woods's eyes. It translates to a minimum 12.45% increase in us getting a slot. Another 0.5% increase if you carry your broom," Cho calculated.

"I am not changing!"

Twenty minutes later, I stepped out in my Ravenclaw Quidditch robles clutching my Comet 2000. The Gryffindor Quidditch team was high up in the air practicing. I mounted my broom and kicked off the ground. "Here goes nothing." 

"Maya, what's going on?" A familiar voice called out.

"Later George." I flew towards the hoops. There he was. Oliver Wood sat perched on his broom, decked in his red Quidditch attire. He was lecturing Harry who looked like he was on the verge of tears.

I left my broom and took a seat on the middle hoop under Jeremy's orders. My Comet 2000 floated in the air beside me. 

If I fall off and die I am going to haunt you lifelong, Jeremy!

Harry informed Wood of my presence and flew away at top speed. But not before mouthing me a "Thank you".

"Maya?" Color rose in his cheeks as he eyed my frame on the hoop.

"Hey, Oliver." I put on my sweetest voice.

Did Oliver Wood just pinch himself? What the fuck!

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