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Adrian POV

Why didn't Bagnold have her prefect pin on? She has to be a prefect! She is the only Ravenclaw girl in my year for crying out loud. She nails her grades and is the best chaser the school has seen for a while now. There is no way Dumbledore would not make her a prefect.

It was no secret that Bagnold despised me. If she was given a choice between the dementors and me she would pick those fucking soul suckers. Why was I so drawn to her? The girl drove me absolutely insane!

I had devised a foolproof plan last year. All I had to do was study hard, improve my grades, get into Snape's good books, score at least 350 points for Slytherin at Quidditch, break no rules, become a prefect, patrol the corridors with Bagnold, get alone with her without having Weasley bother us, charm her and ask her out! Everything was going according to plan till I saw Bagnold without a prefect's pin! Who in the right state of mind would not make her a prefect? My Slytherin prefect's pin gleamed in the sun. I remembered the long nights I spent in the library to get my hands on this tiny pin.

"You better be worth it!" I muttered.

"Talking to our pin are we?" Daphne Greengrass sounded amused.

"What are you doing bro! We are surrounded by the hottest girls in school and you are talking to a pin?" Marcus Flint hissed into my ear. I scanned my surroundings. He was right, we were surrounded by the most popular Slytherin girls, I went back to admiring my pin.

Hogwarts Express had finally picked up some pace when I heard someone call out my name.

"Adrian, we have a prefects meet scheduled now. Come along." It was Liz the female Slytherin prefect from my year. I followed her to the back of the train.

"You are late!" Percy Weasley spat as we entered a tiny space at the tail end of the train. Weasleys are so annoying!

Liz muttered an apology as I squeezed into an empty corner. It is tight in here!

"So where was I, oh yes, patrolling," Percy began to read names off a list he had in his land.

"Pucey and Bell you will be patrolling the castle and grounds on Tuesdays and Thursdays." What a waste of time. This was a mistake. I cursed Percy under my breath.

"Jordan and Maya you are on Wednesdays and Fridays." My heart skipped a beat. Bagnold is here! I strained my neck to inspect the crowded room. Where is she?

"Wonderful!" Lee Jordan sounded thrilled with the pairing. He held up his palm for me to high-five. I gave him a reluctant thumbs up.

Bagnold emerged from the crowd at the opposite corner. She was no longer wearing the baggy Wesley jumper I had seen her in, she changed into her school uniform. I let out an audible gasp and tried to mask it with a cough. She looked stunning! Her tanned flawless skin had a glossy shine to it, she had clipped her long curly hair up high on her head and had her Ravenclaw tie tied around her right wrist. She bit her luscious lips as she made her way toward Percy. I could not take my eyes off her. Her crisp white shirt enhanced her curves and her high-waisted skirt barely touched her knees. Her legs! Her long glossy legs... Phew! 

Is it just me or did the temperature rise in here? I began to sweat. Two prefects standing behind her had their gaze fixed on her lower back! Bloody bastards.

"I have Quidditch practice on Wednesdays and Fridays Percy." She stated, blissfully unaware of the male attention she had garnered.

"Skip Quidditch Maya! It is not like you need to practice!" Lee Jordan yelled from beside me.

Bagnold shook her head in disapproval.

Percy went back to his clipboard. Please pick me! I said a silent prayer.

"Let's pair Bell with Marcus for weekend duty." Penelope Clearwater spoke. What about Bagnold!?

"Yes, that would work. Bell you are with Marcus Turner. Liz you are now paired with Jordan." What about Bagnold!?

"Bagnold you do Tuesdays and Thursdays with Pucey." Wooooohoooo! Yes! Mission accomplished! I frowned in an attempt to hide my enthusiasm. Bagnold did not look happy.

"No!" Bagnold said assertively. "Percy! No! I will patrol with Marcus." She declared. 

What the fuck!

"Pucey and Bagnold! That's a match made in hell. They will end up killing each other!" Jordan commented.

Nobody asked you Jordan! Another word and I will break his nose!

"I am the head boy, so I make the decisions here. We need you to monitor Ravenclaw Tower on the weekends while Turner patrols the castle." Percy turned his attention back to his clipboard.

Percy is my favorite Weasley!

Bagnold's eyes met mine. She gestured for me to speak up. What is she expecting me to do? There is no way in hell I am letting go of this opportunity.

I gave her a shrug and intensified my frown to fake displeasure. I looked down at my prefect badge.

"Totally worth it!"

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