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Adrian POV

I reached out for her in my sleep, but she wasn't there. Did she sneak out to the library again? I woke up with a groan and scanned the dorm with half-open eyes. The dark atmosphere and the pungent smell of alcohol made me realize that I wasn't in her dorm. Maya was not my girlfriend anymore. I was back in the dungeons, where I belonged.

Everything had been perfect between Maya and me. We had established a deep emotional connection, the physical intimacy was beyond exceptional, and our disagreements were minimal. George Weasley had always been an issue we couldn't see eye to eye on, and it eventually came to haunt us. I failed to understand why Maya would jeopardize our entire relationship for one night in the sheets with him. The more I tried to analyze the situation, the more frustrated I got. I was going to lose my mind soon.

I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for classes. Monday's meant potions with the Ravenclaws. It was strange how I could loathe someone so much and still wish to be around them. I missed her smile, I missed her scent, and I missed the way she looked at me with her large brown eyes.

I stared at my potions partner perched on the first bench with her head buried in a book. I reluctantly sat next to her avoiding any eye contact. Her face turned in my direction. She returend to her book when she realized I wasn't going to acknowledge her presence. I turned in the opposite direction and chatted with Liz.

Maya did not attempt to communicate with me. For somebody who just got cheated on, I did deserve at least a couple more apologies. Then I remembered yelling my lungs out at her the previous night. I had asked her to leave me alone, and of course, the fat-headed Ravenclaw had to obey. Fuck obedience.

Snape announced the potion assignment of the day, and Maya instantly got to work. Immersed in class work, Maya had zoned out. From the constant chewing of her lips and the tiny smirk that lingered on her lips, it was evident she was so engrossed in the assignment that my presence didn't affect her anymore.

Of course, she doesn't care! She wasn't the one who got cheated on. Did she even love me?

My emotional spectrum had exactly 2 emotions on it. One was rage and the other sorrow. When one increased the other decreased, and vice versa. Maya's indifference steadily shifted my needle towards rage, and with it came vindictiveness.

"I like how your hair looks today," I whispered to the first girl I ran into in the supply closet.

"Oh, thanks." She squeaked. She played with the tip of her hair and batted her eyelashes at me. Perfect, she will work.

I flirted with her while keeping a close eye on Maya. The moment Maya left her seat, I made my move.

"We should kiss," I declared. Without wasting another second the brunette connected her lips with mine. I kissed her back, faking a display of passion. I knew Maya was close when the scent of jasmine flooded my nostrils. She was very close.

Finally, I broke the kiss. "Thanks," I whispered to the stranger and turned to walk away.

As I turned around and my body bumped into someone. Maya was still in the closet. Her eyes were filled with tears which threatened to overflow, her fists were clenched and her lips trembled. I began to regret my immature behavior.

"Sorry, I... I didn't mean to disturb...need essence." Maya reached out behind me and grabbed a couple of test tubes with shaky palms. She then rushed back to her seat without looking back.

I was instantly ashamed of what I had pulled off. My heart yearned to be with Maya, hold her, comfort her, and kiss her. I made my way back to her.

Maya's demeanor had changed. It was like night and day. Maya rigorously flipped the pages of the test book. She was lost. It was almost like she didn't know which potion to prepare anymore.

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