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Adrian POV

I flew towards my favorite place in the castle, Maya's dorm. I remembered the first time I had seen her tiny frame hidden behind George Weasley on the Hogwarts Express. If somebody had told me that she would be my girlfriend in five years, I would have questioned the dimwit's Divination skills. Now here I was five years later, heading to her bed chamber.

She had left her window ajar. She is expecting me. My stomach fluttered as I peeked through the opening in the stone wall.

She was dancing. Sexy! I felt my lips curl into a smirk.

With George fucking Weasley! The smirk vanished.

There was absolutely no music playing.

It wasn't in my nature to question her choice of friends or dance partners. But that was all about to change.

Maya had her back to Weasley and he dug his fingers into her hips. Over his palms lay hers, their fingers almost intertwined. She leaned her back over her torso with her hair scattered all over his broad chest and shoulders. He had his face buried in her hair as they rolled their hips in perfect sync to imaginary beats. One out-of-sync roll and he would grind against her butt. But their hip rolls were in perfect harmony. They bent their knees and bought their bodies closer to the floor while maintaining their hip moves. Their chemistry was intense and their facial expressions radiated heat and passion. Both had their eyes tightly shut. Maya's lips were slightly parted with a deep furrow between her brows, she had worn the particular look when she rode me a couple of days ago. Wesley looked like he had been drugged by the smell of Maya's hair. His face stayed buried in her long wavy hair breathing in her fragrance.

"What is going on?" I couldn't bare to watch them anymore. The sound of my voice made them both jump out of their skins. They stepped away from each other. Strands of Maya's hair were stuck on the wetness of Weasley's lips. He delicately removed them from his lip and they fell back on Maya's waist. She straightened out her skirt before turning her attention to me.

"We were just dancing. You know me, I can't resist a good dance." She said casually. Bloody Weasley is flustered gaping at you like a lovestruck Romeo and you were "just dancing"?

I simply shook my head in disapproval unable to speak.

"It was just a dance Pucey! Relax." Weasley interjected. Relax? There was enough chemistry to melt a thousand candles.

"Could I please have a word with my girlfriend?" I requested, laying enough emphasis on the word girlfriend. It made Weasley wince. He left the dorm, furious. What is he so pissed about? Me interrupting his dirty dancing?

"What kind of dance was that? It looked sleazy."

"Sounds like someone is jealous." She seductively undid the top button on her shirt.

"Stop! I am bloody pissed." I spat but she continued to unbutton her shirt as she walked up to me.

"Let me make it up to you." She licked her lips as she went down on her knees.

My brain stopped working.


Maya's antics distracted me temporarily but I couldn't get the image of their dance out of my mind. A permanent fear had been etched into me. I was afraid I would lose her to George Weasley. I couldn't stop myself from keeping an eye on the two of them. What I discovered only increased my uneasiness around their friendship.

Weasley knew exactly where to find Maya at any given time. How? During meals, he always sat facing the Ravenclaw table and glanced in her direction at least a dozen times. He entered and left Maya's dorm at will and she didn't seem to care one bit. He even knew her menstrual dates and carried her favorite foods and hot packs around to keep her comfortable. What made it worse was Maya. The way she looked at him, with eyes filled with admiration and love. It killed me. She made sure he got his assignments in on time and wrote to his mom regularly. She spent hours working on products for his nonexistent joke shop and allowed the twins to test all kinds of shit on her. She could be poisoned by those two morons!

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