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 Maya POV

After ninety minutes of commotion, I was finally ready. The girls began to head to the Slytherin common room for the ball and the crowd thinned out.

This is it. There is no turning back now.

"Pansy, thank you so much for getting me ready. I feel beautiful. I should get going now. See you at the ball."

"Oye! Where do you think you are going? Wait right here! We have our entry in fifteen minutes." Pansy held onto my wrist.

"What entry?"

"The ball marks the start of the Quidditch season. It's held in honor of the Slytherin Quidditch team to wish them luck and celebrate this year's squad. The ball only begins once the team has made their entrance, and you will be making an entrance with Adrian. The first song is reserved for us, so I hope you have rehearsed." Pansy said handing me a glass of what I presumed to be firewhiskey.

An entrance and the first dance! Oh, Merlin! Just breathe.

I chugged my drink and the glass automatically refilled itself. Cool!

Finally, there were just seven girls left in the room, and a soft music began to play in the Slytherin common room below.

"That's our cue. Girls, line up. Delphine, you will go first, followed by the vice-captain's girl. Wait a minute. We can't have Maya anywhere near Marcus. Let's change it up, Maya you and Adrian follow Malfoy and me at the far end of the queue. Sounds alright?"

"Hokey Dokey!" I said as I chugged my third glass. My confidence was surging with every chug.

"It's time. Walk Delphine!" Pansy commanded and the rest of us followed in a single file. We walked into a landing zone where we were greeted by the Slytherin Quidditch team. The boys were dressed in their finest. My eyes met Pucey's and his jaw hit the floor. He had a classic black suit with a white shirt and a black bowtie. Needless to say, he looked breathtaking in his formal attire. I mean, the guy could rock a pair of baggy sweats and shorts, formals simply took it to another level. It would be enjoyable to unwrap him one piece at a time. Oh la la..

His piercing gaze made me blush. I made my way toward him while he remained frozen in place. The rest of the boys reached out for their dates' palms and kiss the back of it. The air was filled with compliments getting shot left right and center. Yet, Pucey looked like he had been hit with a stunning curse.

Seriously, It wouldn't kill him to say hi!

"Adrian!" Pansy whacked the back of his head. "Pick your jaw back up and greet your lady!" She said as she intertwined her arm in Malfoy's. Adrian instantly snapped back to reality. He held out his arm and I wrapped my arm around it mimicking Pansy's move.

"You look divine," I yelled out loud.

Adrian smiled. "How many drinks have you had?"

"Three. Only to get me through the first dance which we haven't rehearsed." I gave him a thumbs up.

"You let me take the lead on this one. We are going to be fine." At that very moment, the large doors to the Slytherin common room flung open.

"I am going to pass out, Pucey." I nervously ranted. A huge crowd stared at us from within the common room.

"Hey, hey, keep your eyes on me." He said as we began to walk towards the makeshift ballroom. "Do you remember the first time we met?"

"We met on the Quidditch field in our second year. You kicked the Quaffle out of my arm within the first minute and went on to score. It was humiliating!" I vividly remembered my very first Quidditch match against the Slytherins.

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