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George POV

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." I began to look for Maya on the Marauder's Map. It had become a habit for me to check for Maya's whereabouts on the Map every couple of hours. She normally was in her dorm or the Ravenclaw common room. Sometimes I found her in the Kitchen or the library, but not today. This evening she was nowhere to be seen. I checked the Quidditch field and the professor's offices. But there was no sign of Maya. Where is this woman?

As I racked my brain for answers I remembered the night at the Quidditch grounds when she had decided to follow Pucey into his sleeping quarters. I frantically turned to the page that displayed the castle dungeons.

There is Flint, Malfoy, Parkinson, Greengrass, and another Greengrass. Nope, she isn't in the dungeons. Where is she?

"Babe!" I heard Katie call out for me. I quickly dumped the map into my jumper pocket and headed out of the dorm washroom.

"Get into bed with me." Katie pleaded.

"I got to go. I will be back soon." I opened my closet and grabbed my broom.

Katie immediately sat up straight and tossed away the blanket. "Where are you going?" She eyed me suspiciously.

I did not want to answer that question. "Something came up." I tried to avoid any form of eye contact as I pushed open my dorm window.

"By something you mean Maya?" She asked sternly. I stopped dead in my path. I knew what was coming.

"I don't want to argue with you right now. I don't have time for it." I did nothing to hide my annoyance.

"I am sick of it too! The way you look at her, during class, during meals, during Quidditch practice. You cuddle with her on the same bed for Merlin's sake and expect me to..."

"For the millionth time woman, I have not sat on the same bed as her from the moment you voiced your discomfort. Now you don't want me to even look at my best friend! I just check on her to make sure she is alright. You saw how she behaved around the hippogriff, she acts demented at times."

"What rubbish! She does not need a babysitter, George. She is by far the smartest Ravenclaw. The hippogriff had fallen in love with her before the end of class, and I am afraid... so have you." Her voice trailed off.

I let out a deep sigh. "Babe, if we loved each other romantically we would have been a couple by now. And you know me, I don't date Ravenclaws, they are not for me. Please, let it go."

"Get back into bed with me Weasley," Katie commanded.

"I will get back into bed with you darling. But first I need to make sure Maya is alright. I am sorry, but I have to go." I jumped off the window with my broom before she could say anything else. The cool breeze hit my face and a sense of calm took over my body. I made my way to Maya's dorm room.

As I approached her window I realized something was amiss. The glass was missing and only an old rugged frame stood in place. Frightened, I flew right into her room. The room was empty but in perfect shape. The smell of jasmine took over my senses, the bed was perfectly made and books were neatly stacked on her study table. But where is she and why is her window broken? I pulled out the map and began scanning it thoroughly.

I finally gave up the search and tossed the map aside when my eyes began to ache. I couldn't resist Maya's inviting bed and crashed into it. I stared at her light blue ceiling. Where is she? Is she safe? Is the map faulty? I grew more worried with each passing second.

As I contemplated raising an alarm the white curtains of the dorm fluttered and in flew Maya. She looked ravishing in her navy blue Quidditch uniform. Lost in thought she failed to notice my presence. I watched in silence as she placed her boom in the closet and undid her plaited hair in front of her dresser. Her long wavy hair touched the lowermost part of her back. She then went on to discard her Quidditch gear, grab a fresh set of clothes, and head for the shower.

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