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Maya POV

News of my little encounter with Flint had spread far and wide. For the first time in my life, I couldn't wait for classes to end. I wanted to run back to my to the comfort of my dorm. Transfiguration with the Hufflepuffs was pure agony. I caught students staring at me every time I looked up from my notes. As I tried to focus on the transfiguration assignment George's accusation kept playing through my mind.

How dare he accuse me of throwing myself at Flint!

To make matters worse as soon as I rushed out of Transfiguration, I was greeted by the one person whose face I did not want to see. George Weasley waited for me outside the classroom.

I pushed past him.

"Maya, Maya. Please." George caught up with me.

"Stay away from me Weasley, unless you want me to break some of your bones. My strike rate has been exceptionally high this particular day." I warned.

"I am sorry. Maya, I am very sorry. Please forgive me. I couldn't..." before he could complete his sentence, I made my way into the girl's bathroom to get away from him.

I walked straight to the sink and splashed water on my face.

I am never going to talk to him again. Never ever...

As I looked into the mirror, I saw George's reflection in it. Of course, a girl's bathroom wasn't going to stop him. What was I thinking? Pain and regret were written all over his angelic face. It was difficult for me to see him unhappy. There was something about this Weasley, every time he smiled, I smiled. The world seemed like a beautiful place when he was happy. I knew I couldn't stay mad at him for too long.

I stared at the reflection of the boy I loved. His hazel gaze fixed on me through the mirror. He closed the gap between us and hugged me from behind. My breath hitched. He buried his face deep inside my hair and began to apologize profusely but I couldn't comprehend any of his words.

I ran my palms over his forearms wrapped around my waist. My eyes shut and my neck tilted as I basked in his embrace. He began to trail kisses on the back of my head muttering something about losing me. My brain had stopped functioning.

George on the other hand had absolutely no clue about the effect he was having on me. My raging hormones were out of control. I wanted him to run his palms all over me. I bit my lips to prevent myself from moaning his name out loud.

Get out of his arms! Now! He has a girlfriend. Don't go down that path again.

"Fine, fine next time think before you talk!" I said pulling away from him.

Every trace of pain and regret instantly disappeared. Jack ass.

"Well, I bought you a peace offering." He said pulling out a box of assorted desserts from his robes. My mouth began to water. When I reached out for the box he turned around and sprinted away from me.

Arggh! I chased after him.

He led me to one of our favorite spots in the castle, the Astronomy tower. He set the sugar-filled box on the floor and I sat right beside it. Without wasting another second I ripped open the box and began to devour the desserts.

"Do you want some?" I asked as I bit into the lemon tart.

"Nope. It's all yours." He smiled lovingly at me.

We sat in silence for a few minutes as I focused solely on the box of treats in my hands.

"Are you feeling alright, Maya?" He eyed my bruised wrist.

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