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Maya POV

Dinner was scrumptious. I licked a droplet of strawberry ice cream off my thumb. I sat between Rodger Davies and Jeremy Stretton my fellow Ravenclaw chasers. I had missed Dumbledore's speech thanks to Oliver Wood and his plan to walk to the castle.

"What did Wood want from you? I bet he was trying to extract our game plan!" Rodger stated.

"What game plan? Even I don't know the game plan. Do you know our game plan caps? Have you devised a game plan yet? We don't even have a seeker for crying out loud." I shot back at Rodger who was slowly turning red.

"So what did Wood want?" Jeremy whispered into my ears.

I hung my head low and stuffed my face with strawberry ice cream to escape his question.

"He asked you out, didn't he?" It was time to put on an award-winning performance.

"Are you out of your mind Jeremy? Why would the Oliver Wood want to go out with me? If he had asked me out I wouldn't be sitting here with you! You'd see me on the Gryffindor table perched on his lap licking ice cream off his tongue." I hissed.

"Oh yeah. I know you want to be sitting on the Gryffindor table licking ice cream off someone's tongue. But he ain't Wood darling. You can't fool me!" Jeremy smiled.

Is 'I am in love with George Weasley' written all over my face? I am done with this conversation.

I turned my head away from Jeremy in the opposite direction when felt a pair of dark eyes on me. Pucey was staring at me from across the hall. A scowl plastered on his face.

What the hell is his problem?

I scowled back. His gaze did not falter. It shouldn't be difficult to make him look away. I pointed my wand at Flint's goblet of water. "Wingardium Leviosa" I muttered under my breath. The goblet levitated centimeters above the Slytherin table. Perfect!

Some swift wand action and I had emptied the glass on Pucey's head. The Slytherins around him roared and cursed as the water splattered in their direction. But Pucey did not flinch.

That should teach him a lesson! It is rude to stare.

Pucey rolled his eyes and shook his head in disapproval. The water had completely drenched his white school uniform. His toned physique was on display.

Damn! I couldn't take my eyes off him!

Parkinson conjured a towel and patted it on Pucey's wet torso. She did not miss an opportunity to run her hands all over him. Pucey yanked Parkinson's palms off his torso and stood up to leave the Slytherin table.

He is coming for me! I gripped my wand tight ready to engage. But Pucey walked right past me and out the great hall.

Phew! That was a close one. I directed my attention back to the deserts placed in front of me.


I lay staring at the ceiling of my dorm. The shade of baby blue that adorned all the walls was gorgeous. It almost glittered in the moonlight. I had the dorm to myself since my third year when the Ryes twins decided to transfer to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. I felt lonely.

A knock on my window startled me. I knew exactly who it was! My heart skipped a beat. I jumped off the bed, ran to the full-size mirror next to my dresser, and tried to tame my unruly waves.

"Open up Maya! It's freezing out here." I heard George yell.

I yanked open my curtains open and unlocked the window and in flew George Weasley. Even in an ugly pajama set, he looked breathtaking. I wanted to run my fingers through his messy ginger hair. The cold had caused the tip of his nose to turn red. So adorable! He tossed his broom on the floor, climbed into my bed and made himself comfortable.

"How many Weasley jumpers do you own?" He eyed my frame causing me to blush.

"Your mum gifted me three this year," I said as laid out my school uniform and packed my bag for classes the next day.

"Three! That woman must love you! All I got for my birthday was a scarf." George winced. "What did Wood want from you?" I knew he would bring it up.

"He wanted to know if I would go to Hogsmeade with him this weekend." A furrow appeared on George's face.

"And what did you say?"

"I said no. I need to buy supplies. Remember Fred's protective hat idea? I want to start working on it." A wave of guilt swept me. Oliver Wood was a great guy. I hope I had not made a mistake.

"Good! I don't feel he is a good match for you. His first love is always going to be Quidditch. You can do better." George did have a point.

"So who do you feel is a good match for me?" I eyed George, mischief playing on my mind.

Flirt with me for once you dim wit!

"Hey Maya, I have a proposition for you." He gestured for me to sit next to him on the bed.

I immediately obliged with a million sinful thoughts flooding my mind.

"What is it? Are you going to gift me a niffler in exchange for a daily dose of my urine?" I tried to sound disinterested.

"I didn't know you wanted a niffler. No, it's something even better." George wriggled his eyebrows at me and pulled me closer to him. He bought his face at level with mine just inches apart. I could count the freckles on his face. 

I like where this is going.

"As a person, you are incredibly boring, you drown yourself in books, you have your entire year planned out ahead of time and dementors turn you on for merlin's sake!"

What the fuck!

"The only time you let loose is when I manage to drag your ass out of the library! You have fun with me, don't you? You need to be with someone who balances out your...your nerdiness."

I inched my face closer to George's. His lips looked so inviting. Was I going to have my very first kiss? A thousand emotions played through my mind.

"I feel I have found the perfect guy for you and lucky for you, he for some unfathomable reason is interested in you. Nerds don't usually get the hot ones you know."

Unfathomable reason eh? George Weasley is finally asking me out! I licked my lips.

"Please don't get mad at me alright? The guy is a gentleman, he is sweet and caring, he will treat you well, and is incredibly funny."

Shut up and ask me out already!

"There won't be one boring second in your life. Not to mention he is tall dark and handsome, way out of your league."

I was nodding my head vigorously till... Tall dark and handsome?

"Maya, I feel you should date Lee Jordan."

Lee Jordan!

I felt my eyes moisten. I slowly retreated my face away from George's. I stared into his wide hazel eyes which were filled with excitement. I knew he was closely studying my expressions, so I tried to put on a smile to hide the disappointment I felt hearing Lee's name.

I scrambled for words. "I..I. I don't think I will have the time Georgie. I plan to take 12 O.W.L.S and could do without any distractions. Lee is a great guy but I don't feel I am ready to date anyone yet." I lied.

Don't cry! Don't you dare cry! He will be so upset if he sees you cry.

"Don't you ever feel lonely?" George sounded concerned.

"You will always be there for me, right? I tried hard to control the waterworks.

"Of course, I will be there! But.."

"You are all I need George Weasley."

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