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Adrian POV

I found my girlfriend lying on the grass at the shore of the black lake on Sunday morning. She wore a short yellow dress paired with white canvas shoes. Her hair was strewn across the green vegetation and a book levitated above her face. She held her wand in her right hand and her left fingers played with a long strand of wavy hair that had flown onto her stomach. She was way too absorbed in her book to notice my presence.

"Good Morning beautiful." I greeted.

I watched in horror as the levitating book fell toward her face. In reflex, Maya tilted her head away and the book landed on her thick mane of dark hair scattered on the grass.

"That was a close one. Good Morning Adrian." She smiled at me from the ground.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," I said apologetically. I sat beside her on the grass and leaned my back against the bark of a tall Oak tree. She rested her head on my outstretched legs and reached out for her fallen book.

"You almost got me injured before my big match!" She smirked as she continued to read.

I extracted small blades of grass from her soft hair while running my fingers through her scalp. "How was your day yesterday? Could you complete all that you had set out to do?" I hadn't seen her the entire day. I missed her dearly but didn't want to disrupt her study time. So I stayed in the dungeons and patiently waited for the day to end.

"George dragged me to Hogsmeade last evening. I couldn't complete what I had planned to do yesterday. But I did wake up early this morning and finished it." She said without looking up from her book. I knew she wasn't reading because her pupils stared at the same spot on the page. They normally moved from left to right and then back at a very quick pace.

"Come on! I would have loved to take you to Hogsmeade but you said you weren't going to leave your study! This is bloody unfair." I protested.

"You know how annoying Weasleys can get. He made all my books flap and fly out the window like birds. He then went on to bribe me with an irresistible quantity of stocks in his joke shop. I just couldn't refuse. Besides, he would have irritated me till I gave in anyway."

"He bribed you with nonexistent stocks of his nonexistent joke shop? Brilliant! I am starting to lose faith in the sorting process." I frowned.

"How rude! What did you do in the dungeons? I bet there was another Slytherin party. With unlimited booze and scrumptious food. With me absent at least two, nope three girls would have thrown themselves at you."

"What did you do at Hogsmeade while I was stuck in the dungeons dreaming about you?" I was curious.

"How many girls were there Pucey?" She shot back. A tinge of color rose on her cheeks. She looked cute when she was jealous.

"Three. That's why you should be in my arms. Helps ward off evil." I shrugged. "What did you do at Hogsmeade? I bet you would have got hit on as well."

"We dined at the Three Broomsticks and then went to Honeydukes and Zonko's. Not one person hit on me. But George did threaten to marry me."

"Haha. Funny man that one." An uneasy feeling crept into my mind. "You are reading Celest Perks's diary again," I said changing the topic. "Why do you read it?"

Maya put down the diary and looked up at me. "She is my aunt. I never got a chance to meet her. This is the only link I have to her. Mum and Aunt Celine never talk about her."

"Do you mind me asking why you get so sad reading her diary? From the little I read, she had a happy life. She loved Quidditch, she enjoyed railing whoever this Fabian chap was, and she topped her class. She was happy! It would hurt her to see you sad."

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