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Adrian POV

It had been a long day. I stared at the empty golden plate in front of me as my stomach rumbled. The great hall was adorned with floating candles and the ceiling was replaced with crystal clear skies. Any other day and I would have appreciated the splendor. Not today. The prolonged train journey and the foul soul suckers had taken a toll on my body. I couldn't wait to tuck myself under the silken smooth sheets in my Slytherin dorm.

What does one need to do to get some food here? Seriously! I am starving!

"Are you feeling alright Adrian? You look drowsy." Pansy Parkinson appeared concerned.

"Can't wait to get to bed," I said trying to suppress a yawn.

"You like sleeping too! Nice. Maybe we should do it together sometime." Pansy batted her eyelashes at me. I stared at her for a long moment trying to comprehend the words she had spoken. I was no stranger to being hit on but this was plain awkward. Draco Malfoy sat right across her, unmoved by our little exchange.

Pansy Parkinson scares the shit out of me!

"Darling, there is someone for everyone and the person for you is a psychiatrist!"

Pansy smirked at my comment.

I turned my attention to Marcus sitting on my right. He stared at the Gryffindor table with hungry eyes. I could not make out who his eyes were fixed on. As I scanned the Gryffindor table, Dumbledore made his way to the foot of the podium, ready to deliver his speech. He went on for what seemed like forever about dementors and the dangers around them. I didn't register a single second of it.

"What is it with these Weasleys?" Marcus spoke consumed with rage.

"Did the twins prank you again?" Miles Bletchley asked.

"No! But how does every single one of those ugly spotted gits score with the bloody best ones in school?" It was clear now. Marcus had his eyes set on Angelina Johnson and Fred Weasley had his palm set pretty high on her thigh.

Did Marcus fancy Johnson? There was no way in hell Johnson would even befriend Marcus!

Marcus scanned the Gryffindor table. "Fred Weasley is fucking Johnson, by far the hottest girl in school! Ron is with Granger the most intelligent witch of the bloody century! The Weasley girl seems to have the famous Harry Potter wrapped around her fingers. Even pompous Percy gets to rail the head girl! How? Are they using love potions?" Marcus did have a point. The Weasleys sure had good taste.

"Let the feast begin," Dumbledore said and all the tables were filled with food.

Finally! I immediately reached out for a piece of chicken.

"You missed a Weasley twin, I wonder where is he at?" Miles stated.

"How could I forget him! He is probably in a broom closet getting it on with Bagnold"

My heart dropped!

"Again, only the best chaser in school! The Weasleys don't settle for anything less now, do they?" Marcus ranted.

His words killed my appetite. My eyes frantically searched the Ravenclaw table. Bagnold wasn't there. She could be in the library, right? Weasley had made it clear she was not his girl. Don't overthink it. I reminded myself.

"Bagnold is the complete package eh? She is hot and intelligent, she gives Johnson, Granger, and Clearwater a run for their money!" Cassius Warrington stated.

"You forgot Adrian! Even Adrian can't stop her on the Quidditch field." Miles chimed in.

"Like she isn't bad enough off the field! It feels like she gets possessed each time she sets her ass on a broom. Be my guest Miles, take my spot on the team if you feel you can prevent her attacks." I teased.

"Why do you hate her so much Adrian? I would give my arm to have her on me. I envy her broom man." Cassius let out a sigh which caused the Slytherin's guys around to hoot and make lewd gestures.

Cassius could dream on. There was no way Bagnold let him within a five feet radius of her. I wished I could say the same about George Weasley.

Where are these two?

"I smell competition, Cassius." Marcus gestured towards the entrance of the great hall. All our heads turned.

There she is!

She entered the great hall perched in between two of the finest Gryffindor boys. Bagnold walked arm in arm with Oliver Wood while George Weasley had his hand swung around her right shoulder. His palm dangled dangerously close to her perfect breasts. 

I wanted to puke. 

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