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Maya POV

"Try again, Maya" George's expression darkened.

I knew there was no way out.

"Attention all students." Madam Rosmerta stood on a podium. George reluctantly turned his head around to hear what she had to say and I took a deep breath.

"The incessant storm raging outside has posed a safety hazard and the headmaster has requested all students to take shelter here at the Inn. Everyone pair up and you will be handed a key to your room. " Madam Rosmerta announced.

There was my opening. I yanked Jeremy off the floor and headed towards the inn reception before George turned his attention back to me. I tried my best to camouflage in the large crowd of students. I grabbed a key from the reception scribbled Jeremy's and my name in the register and scurried up a spiral staircase to room number 204. Jeremy was awfully cooperative for a drunk person.

I let out a sigh of relief as I entered the room and locked the door behind me. The room was tiny and very beige. It had exactly 2 pieces of furniture, one queen-sized bed and one study table squeezed between the bed and the window. The odor of old carpet lingered in the air. I guided Jeremy to the left side of the bed and gently pushed him over the creaky mattress. Within seconds Jeremy began to snore. I got rid of his boots and tossed them under the study table, undid the top two buttons of his tee shirt, and tucked him under the sheets.

"Good night Jeremy," I smiled down at my friend.

I made my way to the other side of the bed and just as I was about to slide under the sheets I heard a gentle knock on the door. I considered switching off the lights and pretending to be asleep but a second later there was another knock, with increased intensity. I knew the pattern, it would only grow exponentially until I unlocked the door. I slid under the sheets and with a flick of the wand and let the lock on the door creek open. In walked George practically carrying Oliver Wood on his back.

"George I am tired, can we please talk tomo..."

"Oliver this is your room. I will be in the next room if you need anything." George said ignoring my protests.

"There is only room for two in here!" I did nothing to hide my frustration.

"Exactly!" George lay Oliver between Jeremy and me at the foot of the bed. Half of Oliver's legs dangled midair.

"It's Maya Bagnold in my bed." Oliver sang.

Alright, I am out. I scrambled away from Wood.

George watched my every move from across the room. "Start yapping before I lose my temper, Maya." He threatened.

"It's not important. I want to sleep! Please get him out of my bed!" I ordered. Oliver's pupils darted between George and me as we spoke.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS OLIVER TALKING ABOUT?" George yelled, absolutely livid with anger. It made me shudder.

Jeremy winced in his sleep.

"You will wake him up!" I hissed.

"Oh sorry but I DON'T GIVE A DAMN. YOU BETTER START TALKING!" His decibel levels only increased. I should have stayed in the Ravenclaw tower. I regretted leaving my dorm.

I slipped into my shoe, grabbed the room key, and headed out into the corridor. George sprinted to keep up with me. What does he expect me to do? Run from him? I scanned the corridor, it was filled with students. He would easily catch up.

I leaned against the cold wall in the corridor between rooms 205 and 203. George eyed me intently from across the narrow hallway.

"I... I..." I scrambled for words. Just then Cho ran down the corridor in between us. We watched her back as she disappear down the other end.

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