Death is Not An Escape

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Jake Park was used to working alone. He often did within the trials anyways. The gen was close to being completed, but he felt something was off. He was about to stand up when a hand grabbed him from his work. It was the killer. I was wondering why I didn't hear him... I thought for sure it would be the Hillbilly! He struggled before he was unceremoniously chucked on a hook. The killer seemed to silently laugh at the loner as he struggled to keep the majority of his weight from making the hook even more painful, before turning around and kicking the generator he was working on. However, Jake noticed the Ghostface turn in a direction and leave. The loner noticed that he was headed towards the auras of the other three, who were busy healing the new boy. Jake cursed his inability to give them any kind of warning, and could only watch as the aura's scattered. However, based on how they moved, it was clear that he had one target: The new kid. I hope you are alright after this. Getting Ghostface's attention is never a good thing.

Bill spotted him far before the others. It was a knack he picked up while in 'Nam, spotting enemies within the trees. He barked an order before stripping away the killer's power. "Scatter!" However, instead of going for him or Mikaela, the Ghostface went straight to Izuku. The kid's getting focused! Calling to her, Bill pointed to the kid. "He's getting tunneled!"
"Right! He's heading closer to my Boon. I'll get his attention, if you help him get out of there!"
"Got it." Bill ran towards where he knew the kid would have to go, hoping he wouldn't be too late.

As soon as I heard scatter, I moved quickly towards the closest pallet. I had pissed him off before, I wouldn't be surprised if he went after me. Giving a glance, behind, I did see his mask facing me. He even ignored Bill and Mikaela, who, noticing this, ran to try to intercept. Mikaela went off to help the other man who was currently hooked, while Bill ran around the hay bales to cover for me. The killer ignored him again. That was when I knew: I would not get away this time.

However, Bill took a hit, then dropped the pallet on his head. The ghostface sighed in response, kicking the pallet, and giving me the time to run away. I made it around the fallen silo, heading towards the killer shack. The massive containers and carts with hay bales rested against the two rows of trees. Izuku frantically looked over his shoulder, checking for the black cloak of the man he pissed off, but he didn't. He could hear a gen being worked on ahead. Running over, I could see that it was almost finished. Jake was on the gen. I never got a chance to ask him about his perks, but it was just because the man was a loner, and I could respect that. Limping over, I saw Mikaela blessing a totem. I watched with fascination as she muttered her incantations before the totem's fire sprung to life. She turned back to the gen when she noticed me there, and came over, offering to help heal me. I accepted her care as Jake continued on the gen. The injured areas she worked on healed more twice as efficiently than normal healing. Wow... her magic is no joke!

By the time she finished healing, Jake popped the gen, and an alarm sounded. The doors are powered... but where's Bill?

Just then, the three of them heard a shout, and turned to see Bill's aura as he was grabbed off of something. Jake paled immediately, and Mikeala did as well after a few seconds. She went to the door, which was right along the main wall, while I ran to him. Jake tried to stop me, but I didn't appreciate the warning.

When I arrived where Bill was, I didn't see the killer. However, I knew that appearances were deceiving. He could be behind the hook and nobody would know. I approached carefully, avoiding fallen leaves and sticks to make as little noise as possible. When I saw Bill on the hook, I was frozen in place by what I saw. He was implanted on the hook, but there massive claw-like things attacking him. He was holding the end of the sharpest one aimed at his torso, barely fending it off. That's... that's the Entity itself... now I know what they mean when they talk about it. Either way, I've got to help him!

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