Not so Smooth Sailing...

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Izuku was unable to see when he entered the blinding light of the portal. He made a silent promise to those he was leaving behind. I promise I'll come back for you. However, he wasn't really able to focus on that promise for long...

It was after the unnatural light faded that he felt warm sunlight. This was unlike the blistering heat of Coldwind, or cold light of the moon. This was a gentle, heartwarming sensation... and it made him relax for a split second... before he heard shouting all around him. He didn't know where he was, and so took in the surroundings as quickly as possible. Instincts He was in the middle of a courtyard, close to a large set of stairs. A man wearing black was running down them, in an attempt to head off group near the fountain. There were children up at the top of the stairs he came from. A teacher and his students? But why does he look like a hobo? I am so confused... 

However, he was snapped out of it when the fighting started. The group and the hobo were running to his position... and the many aimed their quirks at both the man and Izuku... and so, he quickly used the Auris to project a shield to protect himself. Their quirk's attacks harmlessly bounced off, but Izuku knew that he was not going to last long. He'd just held off the ENTITY, and this could put his mental strain into the red. He planned to leave when the man stepped in front of him, and told him "I don't know who you are, but you seem to be wrapped up in this just like we are. I am a certified hero. Get to safety."

Izuku finally recognized who this hero was. Eraserhead. He was actually free. Tearing with joy, he was about to comply when the leader of the group of villains, sent a large beast barreling towards them. It had an exposed brain, but it would crush them both.

So, he put up a shield using the Auris

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So, he put up a shield using the Auris. When the blow hit it, dust was kicked up into the air, obscuring the vision of everyone... for a few moments. When it cleared, everyone was amazed as Izuku cupped an object in between his hands, and channeled its energy out to a protective barrier. The lead villain was enraged: "You... you NPC! How dare you stop Nomu!"

Eraserhead was surprised, although he didn't show it. "Kid, you can't put yourself in danger like this!"
Izuku didn't respond, focusing on maintaining the barrier. Eventually the effort behind the blow dissipated, so he was able to lower it. Fatigued, the greenette knew he was running on fumes at this point, and so, he started to retreat back when another villain approached from behind. He was one of the group that had initially attacked, and so Izuku acted out of reflex, barreling into them and knocking them into the stairs. They crumbled under the weight of force, and Izuku ran away, towards the stairs. My perks work here! It was then that he saw purple mist go past. Not fog, but something different. It was the lieutenant of the villains, who sped up to the top.

Izuku ignored as he gave a speech and just ran to the exit, to the shock of the others. He acted quickly, without hesitation, and the Auris tight in his grip. Escape! The Gate! Must Open! HELP OTHERS!

However, when he reached the gate, he found it sealed shut. Large metal doors stopping any exit, primarily designed to keep whatever scenarios happening on the inside from going out, or vice versa. However, it was the biggest barrier to getting help. Mind frantic, he focused the power of the Auris... not for creation, as it was too mentally taxing, but to brute force the door.

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