Entity's Aftermath

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Nezu finally put down the mic in the command center. It was finally over, and all he could think was, Midoriya was right. And he did it. No idea how, but I'll ask him later. He exited the center, sitting on the shoulder of Vlad King. In his humble opinion, Aizawa's was better. When he arrived by the main building, he didn't believe what he saw. Izuku Midoriya followed by Sadako Yamamura and Inko Midoriya, all while he dragged a woman taller than him by handcuffs on her wrists. "What... Midoriya? What is this..."
The boy smiled, and waved with a free hand. He held a book under his arms. A new one. "Ah, Nezu. Good to see you. This, is the Avatar of the Entity. Although I think she might want to choose a new name, since well, her power as the Entity is gone."

"That's... the human form of the Entity?" He scrutinized every detail. There was something inherently unnatural about her, her looks were too perfect, there were a few tendrils still poking out her back, but none of the ones that tore through the earth and sky remained.

She looked at him, then laughed. "I should've tried to recruit you. But Bakugo was my first choice. Such a brilliantly twisted mind. I dismissed you because you weren't human. Hmph. One of my many mistakes." She held her head high, still projecting confidence, even with Midoriya as unimpressed. "C'mon, we have to get you to a proper cell. Nezu, I'll leave reconstruction to you."

He eyed the blade on his back and new book. "Are those...?"
"My weapons of choice. Knowledge, and Power. Do you not disagree?"
"I do not." He conceded, hearing that the greenette didn't want anymore questions at the current time. So he let him go, watching him drag the eldritch horror away. When Midnight walked over, asking who the beauty was, he didn't answer. It was clear she was also fatigued, and didn't need that kind of stress. A new dawn was around the corner, and they'd need to rebuild to see it best. The sun was just starting to rise as well. A beautiful morning sky to compliment the victory.

Meiyo Yamaoka could finally stop fighting. The day was won. The monsters were defeated, and everyone was cheering. The two other Yamaokas sat opposing him. He was able to properly take them in. Kazan Yamaoka was an impressive man, even by his society's standards. He had a power that allowed him to collect blood to fuel his rage, and then smash others with his devastating kanabo. Rin's power allowed her to phase through an alternate reality called the "Spirit World", but she couldn't see people when using it. Impressive powers, far more than his quirk, which just allowed him to see blood of those who are injured nearby. Similar to his ancestor's blood orbs. But, he didn't know if he could collect them. Meiyo didn't have that type of temperament to turn them into rage, though.

The purple armored woman also sat down near them. She towered over Kazan, even when he was standing, and asked, "You three seem to get along well." Smiling, she asked, "What's the story?"

It was Kazan that explained, with pride booming in his voice. "We are all Yamaokas! I am Kazan, their distant ancestor. A Samurai from ancient times."

"I see..." she said, impressed. "You were using that katana with exceptional skill. And the Kanabo." He seemed proud that his skill impressed the titan he was speaking to. Rin then added, "My name is Rin. In my world, I was the last of my line, as my... father... cut me to pieces." She gestured to the way her body looked. "When I was taken by the Entity, it promised me revenge. It was a hollow promise."

"I see..." the woman was nervous, before Rin responded, "Oh, but I am not with them anymore. She lied to me, and on top of that, I'd never betray my bestie, Sadako."

The woman's eyes lit up. "You know Yamamura?"
The spirit's... well, spirits seemed to lift at the mention of the name. "Yes! She was my best friend. I'm not sure what happened to her..."

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