Trickster's Paradise

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As Izuku walked through the town, it became more urban than before... turning from an American style town, to a full blown city with skyscrapers and less recognizable lettering. It switched from English to gibberish... and then to an Asian calligraphy he didn't recognize at all. It was hard to tell where he was, as the Entity had a habit of just mashing together environments that did not belong. But, there was some logic this time. That being said, he couldn't afford to stay here long...

But that was when he heard the screams. Two girls screaming in agony. He couldn't just let that slide. Carefully navigating the buildings, he was confused. Their voices seemed to be coming from everywhere and nowhere at once. It was then that he noticed a billboard advertising a can of drink, and there was music. When the ad cycled through again, he heard the screams. It... it's in the music... oh god... that means I'm in a killer realm. I have to get out of here as soon as possible... Carefully navigating north, he was almost past the largest building when he was forced to stop. A man, not the tallest in the world, stepped out from the building. He wore a black trenchcoat with white and gold designs. It was open, exposing his trim and fit torso. On his head was a head of smooth, medium length hair, dyed sky blue. He held a weapon in his hand, a bat made from four metal beams, similar to a mace, and glowing blue. On the inside. His smug smile was highlighted by the nearby buildings neon signs, and his vibrant pink eyes darted around, searching for anything to amuse him, as he was clearly bored.

 His smug smile was highlighted by the nearby buildings neon signs, and his vibrant pink eyes darted around, searching for anything to amuse him, as he was clearly bored

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I don't know who that is... I should just avoid them... as they're the killer...

However, as he stepped back, he accidentally stepped right on an aluminum can. Eyes widening, he whispered to himself, "Shit!"

The man instantly looked in his direction. Killers were well known for their enhanced senses, provided by the entity. This was no different as he walked over. Meanwhile, Izuku started to walk away, until he realized he wouldn't make it far enough. The man would know if Izuku ran. The only hiding place was a dumpster, and so he hid behind it. If this works... I'll be shocked. I have to make a plan if this doesn't...

Ji-Woon Hak was a man of many talents. A charismatic singer, a man very adept with knives... and with an ego to match. So when he heard the can get stepped on, he knew there was a person there... and when the scratch marks were noticeably absent... then he knew they were still there. Walking down the street, he spoke in his native Korean: "I know you're there..." he giggled, before continuing, "Come on out, I won't hurt you... much..." This is too easy...

Izuku heard the man voice something in a singing tone. He couldn't understand it, however, because it was in another language. One he didn't understand. And so, he waited... until the man stepped to the other side of the dumpster. Holding his breath, all he could do was wait... and then the man angled his head towards him and looked in his direction. He analyzed the boy, just like how the greenette would analyze others. He seemed to be interested in his hair. And spoke again. Not understanding, Izuku asked in his native Japanese, forgetting for a moment that most people in the fog spoke English. "What?"
It was then that he was surprised to find that he too, spoke Japanese. "Ah, so you're from Japan..." He fully turned to the kid. "So, why are you here...?"

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