Misplaced Trust

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Meg Thomas knew this version of Dwight and Feng were new. They didn't act like the ones at their campfire, and it showed. Dwight hid... the wrong action against Doc. Feng did as well, which was uncharacteristic of her present attitude. She was always first in, first out kind of girl. Where Meg exercised caution, she did not. So seeing Feng Min act cautious would have been hilarious under different circumstances. Unfortunately for them, this trial had an experienced Doc... and that was showing. Feng and Dwight were hooked close to each other. Izuku, she had noted, hadn't been hurt yet, even during the chase. Probably because he gave up the chase in favor for the other two.

And now, he didn't have to do anything but wait. This killer was smart. They'd have to come for the save eventually. They couldn't stall for 5 gens, not with his power. So, the doctor had waited in the main room, sitting on the central chair. She watched him as the killer, in turn, watched Dwight struggle against the Entity. He laughed before his baritone voice traveled out. Certain consonants were accentuated with a more electrified sound, mimicking the sparks that shot out from the wires in his body. "Such a shame that nobody will rescue you. You might as well give up, and save us both the time. Unless you'd like to stay here, of course." The headgear bolted onto him didn't allow the Doctor to change his expression, but he'd probably be smirking if he could.

It was then that the Entity finally claimed Dwight, and stabbed him with its claws. Raising him up, the Doctor stood back to full height. Confident that Feng would soon die, he lowered his left hand. Electricity gathered as Meg ran, realizing what he was doing. He'll find me with that static blast! I hope Izuku can survive, because I know it's unlikely I will!

As Izuku finished the generator in the office, he saw that Dwight and Feng were killed. Shit.

Meg went down soon after. That is even worse. She was dragged onto a hook, and he seemed to be actively searching now. When he heard the static build up, the only thing he could think of was to hide in a locker... and it worked. The electricity ran around the outside of the wooden structure, and didn't penetrate inside. It worked perfectly. Confident that he was safe, he exited the locker. Fortunately, Doc didn't run Iron Maiden this time, meaning that his exit was safe. But his relief was short lived as Meg was now being carried away by the Entity. She's dying so I can live... God DAMN IT!

The Terror Radius was loud, and stationary. That alone was worrying. Izuku had left the vicinity of the gen he had worked on, but now that Meg was sacrificed as well, it meant the hatch was open. Walking back towards the office, he heard the electric beats pound his eardrums, using his heart as the tempo... and peeking around the corner, he realized that he was fucked.

The Doctor sat on the comfortable chair, reading a book from the library. He couldn't make out the title, but that didn't matter. What did was the hatch, right next to him. He could close it without moving. So, Izuku considered what his options were. Complete gens while hiding, or attempt to get to the hatch without being noticed. There were three entrances into the office. The door the killer was facing, the window to the Doctor's right, and the door behind him. There was also a receptionist desk as well, with a vault, but he would hear that coming. So, as he was about to walk away, the doctor called to him. "You can stop hiding, you know. I know you've been there for the past 2 minutes, if the hallucination in front of you is anything to go by."

Izuku looked in front of him to see a hallucination of the very man himself, poised to attack.

"It's pointless to resist. You might as well make yourself comfortable. I do have some curiosities about you, and I might let you go."

He sighed, before walking around the corner. The Doctor could track him through hallucinations. That was new information.
"Good, at least you can listen to sense..." He closed the book. Setting it down on the table, he looked over at the boy. He was young, but determined, at his core. "I have watched your other trials with great interest, boy. I am curious about several factors. What do you mean by... you wish to be a hero?"

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