A Glimmer of Hope

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This language was very common in the past. That was Izuku's first clue in deciphering the ancient tome. Vigo was one of the few survivors from before the Entity really knew what it was doing... and so it took him from a place it shouldn't have. And so, he was able to escape, and leave a series of clues... one that Izuku Midoriya was having a real tough time cracking at the moment. He studied all of the languages in that he came across, yet none of them matched the text... and it was driving him to distraction.

Slamming the last book down, he complained aloud, "Ugh... what language is this? I've studied French, German... even Assyrian just so I can understand Adiris..."

However, his rambling thoughts were interrupted by an... amused feminine voice, "Having trouble?"

Izuku jumped back, falling as his chair went back, tilting to the floor. He backed away as the Entity's Avatar laughed. "I admit, I was curious about you since your first move was to come straight here. You are a curious morsel. Your frustration is... delectable."

Trying to sound braver than he currently was, the greenette replied, "Y-yeah... I just want to learn everything I can."
"You desire knowledge? That's why you left? Of course, certain knowledge is forbidden to share... but you can learn everything here. As long as you don't let it leave..." She smiled sweetly... or menacingly... it was hard to tell.

"I'll... I'll keep that in mind."

"Good." She strode away, out of sight.

I didn't even hear her coming! I'll have to be more diligent.... And determined to keep going! With that, he went back to searching for more materials... more  knowledge. He would find the key, no matter how long it takes.

Even though the Avatar left the room, she could still observe him. How he still continued his search. It left her amused. After all, an ant still is determined to serve the hive... and this one was no different. He ran about, collecting books, returning others, and pouring over knowledge. Her knowledge. It was... interesting, and gratifying that one person appreciated what was in the study. She had no use for it, but he did. And so she would watch, as a spider waits for the ant to land on her web once more...

Izuku spent the equivalent of a week without rest, absorbing knowledge. He was now fluent in most human languages, and finally managed to track down this elusive one. Ancient Latin. How could I have passed over that one! It turned out, that Vigo used Latin as a cover, a way to obscure the true meaning, as the riddle he left was more suited for English:

The Survivors and Killers work together to harvest,

Seven Signs to find in the night,

Bring them together to light the way,

And escape the dark god's tormented might

Seven Signs... what do they mean? There is another factor here... I think I'll need to ask someone who's been here longer. She'll never allow a survivor... but what about a killer? He left the library, heading towards where he knew the queen... no, the empress of this reality, currently resides. Waiting outside the door, he was about to knock when it opened on its own. She was expecting me.

She was on her throne. Izuku carefully walked forward, not meeting her gaze. A sign of respect.

The Avatar of the fog asked him, "So, what brings you to me?"
Swallowing his nervousness, the boy's voice started weak, before growing stronger, "I would like to ask if I could have someone... someone to talk to. I know you won't allow a survivor... but what about a killer?"
"Like Jules?" She smiled sweetly, but it was due to wanting to see the brutality. The fear.
"N-No... more like... Sadako. Someone to talk about my home with."
"Why would you need to do that?" The Avatar genuinely asked. Of course... she doesn't have a concept like homesickness...
"Well... I miss where I am from... she is also from the same place..."
"So is Rin and Kazan Yamaoka."
"But she is from a similar time, or closer time to me."
The Entity thought for a moment, or gave the appearance of it. "Very well. Your hope and determination are quite delectable to see... I'll allow it."

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