Flight of the Fugitive

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In the morning of the next day, Katsuki Bakugo was immediately summoned to Nezu's office. Next to the white furred chimera was Midnight, there just in case something would happen. The blond himself was seated across the desk. Toshinori was there as well, buffed to Allmight's form. His detective friend, Naomosa stood on the other side of Nezu's desk.

The rat asked, "Do you know why you are here?"

He didn't respond. So, Nezu filled it in for him. "You are here because of your clear intention to kill another student, Izuku Midoriya." He waited for a response, but all he recieved was a continued glare.

"You had something that doesn't belong on this world. A glyph. And you attempted to use it against him. Where did you get it?"

He didn't respond.

He offered a guess, "Was it given to you? By the Entity?"

Nezu watched as Bakugo's body language tensed slightly, meaning he was right on the money.

"Do you know what that thing wants to do to our world?"

He didn't respond, knowing that they couldn't prove anything.

Nezu sighed, "Bakugo, you are already facing criminal conspiracy, assault, and quirk use against a minor charges due to your past actions, and we are currently investigating the Entity..."
Those charges didn't make sense to him, "What?"
"You also have conspiracy for murder on the table as well, due to the glyph's involvement. You were lucky that the smokescreen you had blocked it from everyone else... but that raises another question? Why weren't you affected? And that leads to the obvious conclusion. It is using you. Midoriya..."

The blond couldn't take it anymore. They lit the fuse... and now were going to see the explosion.

Anna wandered through a japanese forest, heading North. She was going to take a rest when the ground shook. It was just like the war. The two sides, fighting, dying, invading her territory. She looked toward the source, a city. A building with walls hadd exploded in the distance. She was curious, but had no reason to approach... until familiar whispers reached her ears. She hefted her Broadaxe, and started moving down the mountain, towards that location. She had her orders...

Izuku and Class A were sitting in the Common room

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Izuku and Class A were sitting in the Common room. It was Saturday, and Bakugo was being interrogated. Burnin was even chilling with them, to try to get to know her class better... when a massive explosion shook the entire room. A few of those who were standing fell off, while everyone instinctively gripped something to hold their position. Izuku got to his feet, and ran to the closest window, only to have his mouth open in shock. Burnin was right behind him. She was the first to act and take charge. "Alright, everyone, stay here. I will go see what is going on!" The pro heroine bolted out the door, leaving everyone to stay in the room. Izuku held the Auris in his hand, prepared for the worst.

However, Mina was the first to talk. Stutter would be a better word, however, "That... that was an explosion, right?"

Izuku responded, "I'd recognize that explosion anywhere. It's Bakugo."
Kirishima, the ever strong, stalwart boy, asked, confused, "But... but why?"
"Why do you think?" Everyone realized that their anger ridden classmate was already on thin ice due to his attitude. And now, he's done something he can't come back from.

Toshinori had acted fast, getting in between everyone and the blond. The explosion did a lot of damage, and he could tell that this was something he'd prepared for. Looking through the smoke as it cleared, he found Bakugo still in a combat stance.

 Looking through the smoke as it cleared, he found Bakugo still in a combat stance

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"Young Bakugo, please stop this madness! You don't know what you are doing!"

"I do! Putting that freak back in his place!"

"He was tormented for months, experiencing unspeakable horrors. You are working for the very Entity that will torment millions! All so that you can get back at him!? Are you listening to yourself?!"

"She will make the world better, and I'll be number 1!"
"Then you are truly lost." Toshinori steeled himself.

Nezu, meanwhile, said, "Katsuki Bakugo, for attacking not only myself, but a member of the police, and the top hero, you are now expelled from UA!"

"And, because you attacked others willingly, we'll have to arrest you!" Allmight stated, tensing for a fight. "Unless you come quietly."

"Tsk, I will be number 1! Even if that means beating you!" He launched himself at the man, who was unprepared for how much the explosions would hurt.

"GAH!!!" He spat out blood, as he somehow struck him with more pain than his weak spot. "How...?"

"Y'know, working with her... has perks." Allmight and the other UA staff recognized the word's meaning, as Izuku explained them before. "And you took a hit for the rat. So now, you're weaker for it." He grinned, but could hear more teachers arriving. "Tsk. You got off lucky." He gave one more explosion for good measure, knocking the hero into the wall, and launched himself out of the broken wall, and over the campus. He continued to rocket away as the rest of the staff arrived. Snipe aimed his gun, but it was only after Bakugo's explosions went away that they heard a lullaby. And Nemuri panicked, barreling into Snipe just in time to avoid a hatchet.

"She's here. She's here... Oh god no..." She then curled into a ball, underneath a sofa.

Meanwhile, Snipe saw another, and fired it out of the air with his quirk. He waited for another, but at that point, the Huntress had moved on. She was the perfect distraction to keep him from getting Bakugo, and now, they are now both gone.

"Shit..." he whispered, as the staff all were helping Nemuri calm down. It was then that a new voice spoke.

It was Midoriya. He had run up the stairs like they did, breathing heavily. "He got away, didn't he?"
"Indeed he did." Nezu said, collecting the broken shards of his favorite tea cup. His voice was dangerously calm when he said, "However, he is now a fugitive of the law. Which means I can do anything I want when we catch him."
Izuku smiled, and all the teachers were afraid. Allmight shivered as he was assisted by Burnin.

"Welcome to the Club, Principal Nezu."

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