From the Fog

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Sergeant Yamaoka Meiyo did not understand why they were creating a perimeter around a whole quarter of Japan. There was no tactical sense in doing so, yet the upper brass were insistent on this. Either way, the perimeter was set up, and the people within evacuated. There was nothing, not a single human made sound could be heard... it was unnerving. The military was getting jittery, and the fog that rolled in didn't help. In the morning, a dense, near impenetrable fog had formed, making line of sight only for a few meters. It swirled and made shapes out of the whisps, making everything a possible contact, but nothing came up on the infrareds. People were almost at the brink of asking why when Meiyo heard his squad's equipment start to beep. It was picking up something. Or someone.

There was a low noise, hard to hear at first, before becoming louder. Screeches and screams. Everyone had guns pointed into the perimeter now. A shape started to form as a figure started to approach the perimeter. They were running, and everyone tensed, before Meiyo commanded, "Hold your fire!"

The man who exited the fog was afraid of something behind them. They kept glancing back, and it was then that the soldier noticed another, much larger form emerge from the fog. As it did, everyone started to hear music, which they commented on over the radios, but Meiyo did not. 

It was ominous, and he watched as it barrelled in a full sprint towards the man. A hulking brute, it was a heavily deformed mass of pink flesh wrapped in black plastic. A pump looking device was on the front, and its face was barely human. When it was close enough, it swung one of it's gigantic fists, and all in Meiyo's squad could hear the crunch of bone, and the cries of the man. They were about to open fire when the brute extended a tentacle from its left arm, piercing it through the survivor as he tried to get up and run, pulling him up, making it impossible to get a clear shot. Slamming him to the ground, they were all shocked as it then used the tentacle to pierce again, lift them up, and then it raised it's foot and crushed the survivor's skull in one quick motion. 

Rubbing its boot into the ground, it was then that another person was running from the fog. A woman in a blue tank top and tactical pants. They had a gun holster, but no firearm.

Quickly running to the troops, she took a gun from one of them, still in shock from what they witness, and turned to face the monster

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Quickly running to the troops, she took a gun from one of them, still in shock from what they witness, and turned to face the monster. Peppering it with bullets, the behemoth turned, and said a single word. "STARS!!!"

The gunshots snapped the military personnell out of it, and they started to fire on the man. But individual bullets wouldn't do anything to it. It charged at the woman, clearly having a history, or her just being a target. Either way, more and more forms arrived from the fog. Many of them were disoriented, but many were just malicious and took advantage of the confusion. The normal humans assisted by taking up arms, well, many of them did. Whereas a few fought with melee against the forces that followed them. Even to the survivor's surprise... but then, the fog dissipated for the most part, and the horrifying truth came to bear...

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