The Mentor's End

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Izuku ran into the Observatory, eager to tell his mentor about the event, when he found the entire place empty. The Observer's chair was overturned, and many of the books were scattered about. The only thing left behind was the Auris, floating in front of the fireplace. Going up to it, Izuku reached out and brought the Auris close. When he did, a letter materialized before him, written on slightly faaded paper. The calligraphy was finely taken care of, and was clearly written well in advance. It was a contingency letter. Gripping it, the greenette read it carefully...

Dear Izuku Midoriya,

If you are reading this... it means the Entity has taken me. It was only a matter of time. I have been hiding far longer than you realize... but do not be disheartened. I believe you can escape this hell, but you will have to be strong. The Masquerade is when you'll be put to the test. You'll truly be in its domain.

Search for Vigo. He is the only survivor to escape. You need to do the same and warn your world before it devours it... and many more.

Keep up hope. Be the Beacon your perk states you are. Use your Heroic Spirit, but don't become a Martyr in the process. Not like Micheal did when taking down William. Did I tell you that story? I forget... but that is not important.

It has found me, and I must be careful. Its envoys... their incursions... are becoming more frequent. I do not know where exactly the knowledge on Vigo's research is... but there is a man who does. One who was taken long before I was... Benedict Baker. Find him, and he will lead you to what you need.

There are noises upstairs. I must make sure that they have not broken in. My trusty 9 iron, protect me...

Stay strong, Izuku. I leave the Auris to you.

Henry, the Observer.

Izuku smiled slightly at the word choice. The first two were the names for his perks, and it seemed that the Observer had chosen a name for the final perk. Having reviewed it, he knew that it was the perfect word for it: Martyr. It required sacrifice on his end, and he knew it. But... honestly... he'd never wanted it any other way. Maybe it was due to his experiences on Earth, but... he didn't really value his own life. Not in that way... and here? That allowed him to actually help others. He'd endure it again and again.

However, the direction he offered surprised him. It meant he would have to change his opinion on himself. Especially since if he did die, it's likely that he'll be . Do I have the potential to escape? Then I have to do everything to do so...

Investigating, he found another staircase going up, and so he followed it upstairs. What he found disturbed him. There was a rotten banquet, signs of a struggle... This was where... Henry... was taken from. And he was gone for good. That much was certain. So, carefully, he kept the Auris with him as he left the Observatory. It was likely that this was the last time he would come here, as there was nothing left for the greenette. He'd already learnt everything he could from here. Now it was about practice... and finding Benedict Baker.

Back at the campfire, Laurie was the first to notice that he had the Auris with him. Quickly walking over, she whispered, "Why is that here? Isn't it safer at the observatory?"
"No. The Observer... Henry... he's gone. It got to him."
Her eyes widened. "What... but what about..."
"It's safest with the person who can use it. I won't be able to use it in trials without... it... noticing... by the way, what do you know about Benedict Baker?"

"Baker? Man, I remember him. He was here when I first arrived. Vanished after the Clown arrived. No idea what happened to him. What did... Henry, was it?" Izuku nodded, confirming the name as Laurie continued, "What did Henry say about him?"
"Henry believed that Baker knew the location of Vigo's research."

Her eyes widened. "Incredible... if that were the case... I'd understand why it would take him. That knowledge is too powerful."

"Exactly... That's why after the masquerade, I'm going to search for him."

Her eyes widened. "That... you'll leave the campfire?"

"Only way to. The entity has to have him somewhere. I'll find him."

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