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Bakugo Katsuki was now a villain in the eyes of the law. A consequence of his own actions, egged on by his ego, and the voice he started to hear. Something... different, old, yet on his side. And now, she... yes, she... had told him about those like him. Those who were chosen, and had already been given gifts of strength. However, he was the newest one. Or that he knew of. And that was good enough for the moment.

The blond wasn't sure what to think of the two of them. They were strange and, to his sugrin, quirkless. The woman was friendly enough, but mostly kept to herself, humming an irritating lullaby. He could ignore her, no problem. He appreciated that she stayed out of his way, as long as he did with her. 

The other one, however... was once a man, from what he could guess. What he believed was their quirk had warped them into a monster. Or at least the appearance of one. He was quick, strong, and apparently a scientist, although his mind was addled by his quirk. At least he kept to himself too. They were both eternally loyal to their shared master. 

They had a history, and not a good one, but put it aside when ordered.  Huntress was able to speak broken english, and was thus able to translate for the blond.

He asked the two of them, still cautious of the 'Blight's' actions. "So, what's next?"
The Blight made some incomprehensible noises, with hand gesutures, and Anna did her best to... 'translate' what the man was saying. "We establish Black Veil. Blight knows how. He says..."

Cue incomprehensible noises. How she took anything from that confounded the ashen blond, but he fugured it would just take time.

"What?" Bakugo asked.

Struggling with words, the Russian woman explained as best she could, "Create tragedy. Pain. Make them remember you."

He grinned, "Oh, that I can do..." He thought for a moment, then had an idea. "I have an idea for that..."

Izuku asked as he finished helping the teachers repair the damage, "So, now what will you all do? Midnight's still traumatized by Anna, Bakugo is in the wind, and we still have Grimes to worry about."

"I... I don't know." Nezu was quiet, as Toshinori was taken away by Cementoss and Snipe. They had completed basic First Aid, but what he needed was proper treatment from Recovery Girl. The mammal turned to him, "Wouldn't those under the Entity's influence want to spread it?"
"Yes..." Izuku whispered. His eyes widened. "He'll have remembered our conversation from before, and try to make a bleed site. Fortunately, bleed sites are not easy to make..."

Nezu asked why, since everyone was confused on what was considered a 'bleed' site. "Why not?"

The answer, like so many they recieved... was just as horrifying as the last. This one, in particular was saddening, "They require tragedies. While his quirk is capable of that, it needs to have a heavy impact on people's memory. It's why petty crime or even single murders don't count. But, since the three of them can't pull off anything like that... they'll turn to others..."
The chimera agreed, "Of course, the resources of larger groups would help them accomplish their goals. It's just, which one would he turn to?"

Izuku nodded, confirming what he suspected, "I'd need to know the largest groups of interest out there first, although, if I were to guess, the group that attacked the USJ would be his first bet."

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