Missing the Little Things...

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All for One frowned. The partnership between the Black Veil and League of Villains was strong, and fruitful... but there was something that did not add up. It was a moment before he realized what exactly irked him about Supāku. His group had catered to everything Shigaraki wanted, and that was what was wrong. What he wanted differed from what his protegee did, and he had failed to correct that. He'd have to act quickly, in order for things to be rectified. The Veil themselves hadn't asked or done anything with their connection to the League. And that kind of altruism was definitely not like any other villain group. After all, every major group looked out for themselves. Even the HSPC did.

Calling Shigaraki, he told them to come to his location, for a talk. He wanted to find out the blond kid's intentions with his group. And there was no way he could lie to him to his face.

Shigaraki was not one to take a summons from his master lightly. He was the reason he even was able to recover after... that... but orders were orders. And his orders included bringing their blond acquiantence over to him. Someting about questioning him. Why he'd need to do that was beyond the silver haired villain. After all, they both had the same goals, right? Destroy the current society, shake and break the foundations at their cores... but he didn't question his Sensei. Turning down into the main bar, he scowled, noticing that Toga was gone. She thought she was sneaky, by following the Veil. He didn't know what she saw in them, to be honest. Only Dabi sat at the bar. The silver haired man asked, "Where's Toga?"
"How would I know?" He asked back.

Shigaraki stated plainly, although annoyance leaked into his voice. The man was being far too evasive for his liking. "She seems to like to annoy you."
"Hm..." Their resident arsonist seemed to relent, finally admitting. "She's probably with Sparky again. They seem to have a thing going on."

Impatience fully set in his voice, Tomura demanded to know, "And where would that be?"
The Black haired man sighed, "She was annoying me again the other day. Saying that I'd love what they're doing... yada yada. They had no plan to tear down heroes, so I ignored her, but she did give me a place." He dug into his patchwork jacket and pulled out a scrap of paper. He flicked it at the other villain, who gripped it carefully with a couple fingers. "Here."

He growled slightly as he read it. The paper was faded, with little on it. As Dabi said, it was a location. The silver haired villain replied, with mock surprise. "I'm surprised you didn't burn it."
"I know, I know. Part of me just didn't feel the need to." The patchwork man said. "Dunno why you need it, but good luck."

He didn't look back, just closed the door. While he didn't care for it, that statement was as good a warning as he'd ever get from the man.

Following the directions on the note, Shigaraki arrived at an abandoned warehouse, similar to the one that housed Nomus. Entering, he found the place completely quiet. But when he approached a small room inside, he could hear conversations happening. It was clear that Bakugo was alone. "Yeah. So it's all set up? Good. How long? Tonight is the right moment? The spastic sure? Thanks Himiko."

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