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Tomura Shigaraki fumed within his barren prison. All his life had been building up to that moment, the singular moment where he could look all his problems in the eye, and destroy them all. Allmight was the reason his father hated him. Allmight had taken his father's place in his grandmother's eyes. And that led to the abuse he suffered for years. Until his quirk manifested, and he freed himself from his own torment. He was a survivor, Sensei said so.

Then he was taken in, given shelter, food, and purpose. Not by Allmight's beloved society, but by his enemy, who showed him how broken everything was. How much of a facade that... hero... had constructed.

How it was all his fault.

And so Tomura had plotted, schemed, and come up with the attack, which had everything taken care of... all until the USJ.

And then that... brat arrived from seemingly nowhere. One that wasn't on the roster, who overpowered his Nomu with ease, and kept not just it, but himself and Kurogiri restrained until Allmight arrived. It was only later when he found out that... walking cheat code tore Kurogiri apart... did he realize just how easy that boy let him off.

Somehow, he recognized that the warper was a Nomu as well.

And now he was within the depths of Hell, otherwise known as the prison of Tartarus. It was, frankly, a blasphemous title, considering it was greek, in Japan. He despised everything about the place, but at least it was honest about what it was...

Despite that fact, all Tomura would be able to ever do is just sit and wait. Chained to a chair, just as, presumably, Sensei would be, if given they were given the chance. Treating anyone who didn't live by their petty little rules like animals. It sickened him... especially since his mentor did say that isolation like this is a human rights violation. Cruel and unjust... just like the facade Allmight shows. Again, Allmight lies, when Tartarus speaks the truth.

And it all links back to Allmight.

As he continued to think, there were explosions in the distance. Explosions? He remained still, only beginning to hear signs of a commotion. When he started to hear screams of pain, Tomura smiled.

In between the explosions and screams, he heard a woman's lullaby. It was a foriegn tune, which would be calming if the shouts and gunfire wasn't there. Whoever this was, breaking into Tartarus, they were powerful... and were getting closer.

And closer.

And closer...

Until they were right outside the door.

Nezu was in his office, pouring over Student Records for verification and classification when his police radio buzzed. "10-33, 10-35. Tartarus 10-98. Repeat, Tartarus 10-98! Perpetraitors are: slavic female with multiple ax headed weapons. " His eyes widened. He intently listened to the report, indicating explosions and a jailbreak. Multiple perpetrators. And so, he made the decision to have an emergency staff meeting after today's lessons. Things were getting from bad to worse, and plans were absolutely necessary. Especially with the MLA plant. Despite this, the world moved on. And as Midoriya made clear, this was far greater than any human threat...

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