First Day

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Izuku was now walking to UA for his first day of class. His mother was ecstatic that he got into the hero course, but Izuku was less so. Especially considering his... last encounter with the hero class. Not because they were bad people, but because one bad apple spoiled the bunch. And, of course, the fact that Eraserhead would have constant headaches from his inability to mute the power of the Auris.

Another troubling detail was that now that he knew his mother was being more observant, he had to feign certain emotions, such as excitement. He didn't like having to lie to her... but it was the only real way to get her off his back. That would have to be enough, until the dorms. They were going to be established in a week, in response to the USJ attack.

Taking in a breath, he was still unused to the uniform, and made some adjustments to it. It had been so long since he had worn one, he had found a certain distaste with them. They were too constricting, not allowing for freedom of movement. And, they took away from a person's individuality. Something he came to value with everyone in the fog, be it a survivor... or a killer. Both were concerns he'd always had with his clothing choices of late, a leftover from his time in the trials. Putting that thought aside, he navigated the school. He kept being reminded of Midwitch though, all of the long hallways... he was half expecting to see Micheal Myers peeking from a room. However, UA was just a normal school, so he made it to the classroom unscathed. Aizawa was waiting outside. "So, you ready, kid?"

"As ready as I'll ever be..." Izuku muttered, not eager to see a certain, loud blond.

The insomniac nodded, before opening the door. He stood in front of the class. They were instantly quiet. "Good, you're paying attention. There are two announcements. The first is of a dorm system being implemented. I'll need you to take these forms home at the end of the day, and get a guardian's signature. Parent, caretaker, whoever. When you return those, be ready to move in on Friday."

Everyone in the room cheered, while Izuku patiently waited outside. He twirled the Auris in his left hand. As it basically acted as a quirk for him, he was able to carry it around UA campus, no problems. After all, he was the only one to be able to use it.

"The second announcement is exclusive to your class. Due to the expulsion of Minrou Mineta, this class has been down to 19 students. Your new classmate is here..." He gestured for the greenette to enter. As soon as Izuku entered the room, the reactions were just as varied as the students themselves. Bakugo, of course, was fuming, but the majority were excited. After all, he was the one that did save them before.

Meanwhile, there were a couple who were indifferent. Mainly a dual white and red haired student. He didn't see Izuku's actions during the USJ, and so did not appreciate him as much as the others, and black haired girl, who seemed aloof, for the moment.

With a casual wave, he introduced himself, "Hi... I'm Izuku Midoriya..."
The dual haired kid asked bluntly, interrupting anything he could say. "What is your quirk?"
However, before Izuku could respond, Bakugo did so for him. "He's fucking quirkless, half'n'half. My question is why the fuck is he here?! He doesn't belong here!"

Aizawa sighed, rubbing his eyes. Izuku could sympathize with the man, but spoke up instead, "You know what? You're right. Why am I wasting my time here? I mean, I have to be in your presence, instead of, y'know, doing anything else. For the record, you hate me for something I have no control over. You were the one that tormented others. You were the one that used your quirk against me. You were the reason I was always alone. And you call yourself a hero? You are the one that doesn't belong here, villain." Izuku breathed slowly, calming himself, rant over. "I'm sorry about that. Some people can't be reasoned with. But for anyone whose name is not Bakugo Katsuki, I am happy to meet you."

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