The Alchemist's Workshop

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Izuku rested within the hollowed trunk of a tree. He looked at a knife he pulled from the elevator, back in Ji-Woon's twisted version of Seoul. He held the grip. It was a simple blade design, but had an iridescent look, a rainbow sheen reflecting in the moonlight. Such a pretty knife... it's a shame that he was like that... Stowing it with the other 4 he had, he rested against the wood, as he drifted to sleep, exhaustion claiming him.

Wesker found himself in a brightly lit Korean cityscape. It reminded him of his time in Raccoon City, and how he was far from then. He smiled, before noticing that the apartment at the top of the tallest building had their lights on. Clearly used. Tensing up, he moved quickly, using his superior anatomy to run in, and up the stairs within the fire escape. An inhabitant that would be useful to interrogate.

When he reached the top, he paused, straightened his jacket, and then, in one fluid motion, kicked down the door.

A man was sitting leisurely on a sofa. However, when the door was kicked in, he tensed and prepared a knife, but paled once he saw who it was. He spoke in accented english. "O-oh... hello... Albert Wesker..."
The blond man smirked, basking in the other man's fear. He was a trained supersoldier, and the Trickster knew that. "Ji-Woon Hak. So this is where you've been hiding..." He smirked. "You're not the one I'm after. If you give me information I need, I won't have to report you..."

The Korean Idol smiled warily, then asked, "If you're not here for me... than who?"
"A boy with green hair."
His eyes widened slightly, but he kept the same attitude. He attempted to hide his natural response. "I'm not sure what you mean?"
However, Wesker chided the man, "Oh, don't lie. People inherently give tells when they do. You smirk slightly, and your eyes widened with recognition. You have seen him. But why pretend you didn't?"

He went along with the questioning, "I saw him, sure, but I never knew what direction he went. He's a sneaky little rat."

There was something about the tone he didn't like... and so the blond spoke up with his condescending voice. "Something tells me you know more than your telling..."

A Few Hours Before:

Ji-Woon looked down the alleyway, and checked behind the dumpster. He could hear small, rapid breaths from nearby. He's here... but... to be so willing to hide... yeah, I'm not searching that. He mused as he walked back to the main street, He's dedicated. I can't help but see myself when I was a kid. Heh. If it's after you, I hope you'll make it before it comes to me...

Present Time:

Ji-Woon kept Wesker in front of him, as he backed towards his bedroom. The door was reinforced, and his weapons were in his closet. He'd be able to fight back, but only if he got there. Damn, kid. What did you do to piss it off?

Wesker asked, "So, what is your choice? Yourself, or the kid?"

"You know... I won't lie. I do see myself in him, as he struggles to make a living... not that you'd ever understand. You were born to wealth. Besides... He did promise to help make an album again." It was then that he jumped back, through the doorway, and slammed it shut. Locking it, he quickly opened his wardrobe and grabbed his neon blue bat. The same that he had when he first met the green haired boy. Turning around while closing the wardrobe, he didn't notice that darkness started to coalesce within the wardrobe he just shut...

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