Capture a Lullaby

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Izuku brought Sadako, Mina, Hagakure, and Setsuna to a nearby mall, in which he led them specifically to...

Setsuna asked, almost snorting in suppressed laughter. "A karaoke bar? Really?"

Izuku didn't like it either, but he was taking no chances. "It'll offer us the privacy... and the soundproof rooms... for me to explain everything you need to know."

When they got settled into a private room, Izuku asked, "So, where should I start?"

"What the hell was that thing?"
He nodded, it being a good enough place to start. "That, Hagakure, was the Entity. Only a small part of it, mind you, but still a part of it. It's hard for me to describe because people just don't get cosmic horror anymore, but it's a being of unimaginable power, something that only views us as tools or food. Or toys."

Mina asked, "Why were you there?"
The trio's faces contorted with horror as he explained, "We were identifying bleed sites, or places where the Entity can directly manifest itself in reality. In a practical sense, I am looking for possible invasion spots. When a world has enough suffering in it, it will attempt to outright consume it. My work... which is why I don't have homework, is to fight and eventually free those within the Entity's grasp, perhaps kill it if I can. Because I am the second person to escape, it will be targeting this world."
Sersuna, with trepidation, hesitated to ask for elaboration, "This world... there are others?"
The green haired boy shrugged, "Well, yeah. The entity can travel between universes, basically proving that a "multiverse" exists. Most of them do not have quirks, by the way. This world is lucky."

"I... I see..."

They were not prepared for the explinations he gave.

Meanwhile, Nemuri ran with her co-worker's to Hawks' position. They knew he was close, and that the assailant was strong enough to incapacitate the number three hero. Hopefully they could take them down... hopefully.

When they reached the area where he landed, Hawks was still there.

"What hit you?"
"That thing... I think it's a hatchet?" He pointed to it. Aizawa leaned over and was about to pick it up when he heard something to his right. The lullaby, which they had been hearing, was getting louder.

He dodged down, barely avoiding another hatchet, of a similar design. "Get ready, they're here!"

As soon as he said that, they saw the being's silhouette. They had a rabbit-like mask, carrying a broad ax in their right hand. It was clear that the humming emanated from them... from her.

Midnight knew how bad this was. The other woman way really strong, physically, and she was basically useless here, "My quirk will be ineffective here!"
"Midnight, help Hawks, We'll try to stop her." They split up, moving in sync to try to immobilize the assailant. However, this did not work in their favor, as she brought out a hatchet, swinging it to the left. It didn't leave her hand, but it did force Edgeshot back. Meanwhile Aizawa swung the capture tape at her, attempting to restrict arm movement, but he missed, only looping around her main ax. It was a large piece of metal attached to a rather crudge stick of wood. The metal at the point where it was fastened seemed to glow, orange stuff leaking from it. While it matched the wall they had seen before, there wasn't enough to leave as much as they had seen. Besides that, this villainess had no other traces of the stuff. Her normally white mask was marred with blood, and she wore a thick coat, ringed with brown fur, designed for use in the coldest of environments.

Aizawa tightened his capture scarf around the broadax, ripping it from her grip in a fluid motion. Meanwhile, Edgeshot was back on the offensive, driving her back. However, even when growling in frustration, the villainess found an opportunity.

Hawks was back on his feet when he noticed the hatchet raise. Midnight had her back to it, so if it hit, she would be gravely injured. He knew there was no sense in her getting hurt. After all, she's a teacher... and he was really tired of taking orders like a lapdog.

When it started to fly through the air, Hawks used his feathers to push her out of the way... and the last thoughts he had was that he was grateful he went down like a hero.

Midnight was shocked as Hawks shoved her out of the way only for his head to be split in two by the hatchet. The light was already gone from his eyes when his corpse landed on the ground, face up. She was at the point of tears when a shout startled her back to reality. Turning to face the others, Edgeshot finally took a blow from a hatchet, incapacitating him. This is going really badly!

Clutching her main whip, she charged at the assailant, who had gotten her main axe back from the ground, and was about to hack at Shota with it when Nemuri wrapped her whip around it. Pulling as hard as she could, the ravenette was satisfied to see the killer fall backwards, just in time for her colleague to pick up Edgeshot.

Nemuri called out to them, "We should leave. She's too strong."
Aizawa agreed, "I agree..."

It was then that this killer interrupted them by leaping towards them, brandishing her axe. Shota was only able to push Nemuri away as he took the blade to the side. Gripping it tightly, he said to the female hero. "GO! Warn them! We'll try to hold her back!"

Edgeshot knew they could only buy time anyway. He agreed with the only plan. "It doesn't matter! Go! We'll both just slow you down."

Hating this, Nemuri turned and didn't look back. To their credit, they didn't so much as whimper in pain, fighting to the end.

All the while, she kept running as that... maniac... hummed the familiar lullaby...

"And that's everything you need to know. Happy?"
The three girls, Setsuna, Hagakure, and Mina all had their mouths open from shock. Their brains short circuited a while ago due to the massive info-dump, but hearing him talk about his own dismemberment without a care in the world was a bit too much for them.

Mina asked, her voice failing her, "Do... do the teachers know about this?"

Izuku nodded, "Yes. They do. We should head back. The trains will stop soon. Spent too much time here. Remember, not a word to anyone."

"I don't even want to think about it." Hagakure said honestly, Mina nodding in agreement. Meanwhile, Setsuna said, "I am glad I'm not in your class if you have to deal with this kind of madness all the time..."

"Who said it'll just stay with me? The Entity wants a way in, she'll find one. We'll all go mad, sooner or later."

Sadako nodded, "It's only a matter of time."

Kiego woke up, which was surprising considering what happened. People don't just wake up from a hatchet to the face. He got to his feet, rubbing where the injury was. He could feel the phantom pain from the attack. After a moment, he stretched, before asking: "Where... where am I?"

It was then that something stirred. Seemingly from everywhere. The ground erupted into golden cracks, while the deciduous trees sprouted black, spider-like tendrils. Attempting to fly, he found himself caught by them as he was dragged down into the dark. Away from the full moon he could see glowing up above.

Nobody could see what happened as it closed behind him... even if there was anyone there, they would've panicked and ran before it would happen.

He was carried far below the ground, to a place deep in the... well, earth isn't the right word anymore...

It was then that he saw it.

And it only needed to say one word to make him know why he was there.


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