The Impact of Choice

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Sadako walked through the realm. She felt eyes constantly on her. They most definitely were, as crows watched from trees nearby, until she arrived at the newest realm: The Shattered Square. A burnt and decrepit battlefield, filled with the ruins of European midieval homes and buildings, with one main inn still standing. Entering the building, she found the basement stairs and walked down, heading deep within the ground, to a structure known to any who have been in the realms for any lengths of time. The Basement, with its lockers, angry glows between the wall boards, and the quintessential four, unbreakable hooks. She ignored that and walked to the back of the room. The wall opened reflexively, as the entity subconsciously recognized that Sadako wanted entry to the Mineshaft, and it obliged.

Her feet pattering against the solid rock as she strode, deliberately, confidently... but with her usual gait. In order to show that nothing was out of the ordinary. After all, she was still a hyperlethal killer, by fog standards, and she had to show that she still was.

She could see the furnace, and all of the remaining killers, the ones still here. They turned to watch her, since her last visit was rather... eventful. Glancing around, she found that the only killer not there was the Ghostface. Which was perfect. She didn't need the Entity's favorite here to hear this. Approaching the furnace at the center, she turned to everyone, and started to speak. "You may have heard things. Unusual, but true."

The other killers were surprised that she even spoke in the first place. Only a few knew that she did, and those only thought she spoke Japanese. Continuing to speak, she looked over every killer. "The entity is coming close to consuming another world. You maybe drawn into the conflict... but... Izuku Midoriya has a plan, and the power to fight back. Will you still serve, or will you choose your freedom from a painful existence? I have chosen my side. It will soon be time for you to choose yours."

Rin Yamaoka asked, curious. "And your side is this world's?"

"I will stand with Izuku."

Rin's eyes widened, as both of the Japanese killers knew the implications of calling someone by their first name... and now knew that she would not budge from this position. "Then let us all... think about it."

Sadako understood, and started to leave. "I wouldn't tell you to do anything until the time comes. Only I have a way to leave the realm, but soon, you all will. And then it will be your choice."

The Onryo demanifested and then traveled to another TV. Leaving the Mineshaft for the last time.

Enjiro Kirishima strode away from the train station. The last train to Ako had just let him off, and it was unlikely another would come back. At least until the Crucifiction killers had been taken care of. The cruelty that had been seen, from news helicopters, brought most people to fear them. Call the town lost and leave it alone. But Kirishima was not one of them. These were thugs. Supernaturally empowered thugs, but thugs alone. He could hear a scream in the distance, and started to walk through the town to get to the source... before accidentally bumping into a man. He wasn't one of them, but clearly running from them. He had grey hair, wore a leather jacket with a faded red shirt underneath, and worn jeans. He looked up at Kirisihima with fear, before realizing that he wasn't a part of the group of killers, starting to speak, "Grazie al cielo, si può ragionare?"

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