Looming Darkness

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The next day, Burnin, Izuku, and Vlad King were all waiting for their respective classes to gather. When they did, they were surprised to see the two homeroom teachers defer to Izuku. This was highly unusual, considering the green haired boy was: 1. Their age, 2. A student, and 3... had no teaching credentials to speak of.

"Alright, starting today, things are going to be different. Many of you are excited for the upcoming sports festival... Which is all well and good. However, there are certain things, as hero students, you need to know."

Neito Monoma, a well known pretentious blond from class B asked pointedly, "And what would you know?"

Annoyance crept into his voice, but the greenette was sure to keep that in check. "I am actually going to get into that, if you didn't interrupt me. I've already told three students here, but I need a guarantee from all of you that you will never talk to anyone outside this group about what I will tell you."

There were murmurs about this, with Setsuna Tokage, Toru Hagakure, and Mina Ashido stiffening, suddenly realizing what this was about. The rest of class A was not quite as nervous, but knew it had to be serious, while class B was clueless.

Midoriya reiterated to all, his voice sharp, ready to punish them should they refuse. "Do you swear?"

"Why would we..." Monoma started, before being lifted off the ground by his throat. Izuku pinched the bridge of his nose, and sighed, releasing some of his tension. "Sadako. Do not attack any more students. We cannot teach them if they are dead."

"He will just die anyways... if he cannot listen." The boy fell to the ground, and searched for the person who did it, only to find her looking down at him. He was speechless as he took in the girl's appearance, with her long, unkempt hair covering her face. She didn't say anything more, but went to the front of the class, standing next to Izuku. By the way she acted... they were close.

What the serious, green haired boy stated next made all pale. "If you wish to maintain your sanity, not like it'll last in two months, then you may leave. However, you'll no longer be considered a hero student. This is the ultimatum from Nezu."

That got everyone's attention, and they turned to their teachers, searching for proof... and found it within their expressions. And with that, they immediately agreed, with Monoma being last.
"Very well."
Izuku pulled out the Auris. Somber, he quietly talked, staring from... somewhere. The students didn't know where this was going... "I wasn't always powerful. Those in my class know that I can do a lot, but... it's not my quirk. I am quirkless. It's all due to this. However, I would have never gotten this had I not been abducted by the Entity."
Itsuka Kendo, Class representative, asked, "What kind of villain names themselves the Entity?"

Izuku walked to her, the others backing away out of reflex. They could sense the otherworldly power he projected, and he spoke again, them hanging onto each word. "What kind of villain indeed? That's because it wasn't a villain. It wasn't even human. The Entity is the human name other victims I knew called it. It is an eldritch horror, capable of tearing you and your soul apart, feeding on your emotions, and tossing away the husk into an interdimensional void. It consumes parallel universes, and lucky for you all, I escaped. Meaning it has turned its attention here." Now terrified, Izuku had to placate 38 students. And, to be fair, the next bit of news was relieving to hear, "So, I am going to teach you how to defend others from the different servants of the Entity... giving tips from a survivor's perspective..." He gestured to himself, before then gesturing to Sadako, "As well as a killer's. This is all key, as the fate of Earth itself is at stake. And you cannot share this information for that very reason."

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