War of the Fog

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Izuku walked up to Nezu's office. He held his journal, his months of agonizing and recalling arcane knowledge of Benedict Baker, Vigo, and Henry the Observer, all in one place. He had the new arrival, Vittorio, give it a look over, and he had some additions, which filled in the gaps that he didn't decipher last time. But, ultimately, he was too afraid, at least in Izuku's estimation, to do what must be done. He thought he had been vindicated when his opponent accidentally killed himself with his own blade, but that's wasn't the case. He had, again, chosen to believe what was right in his mind over the facts of the situation. And that was an unforgivable sin to Izuku. You don't tell yourself that you are going to combat the entity without driving it away in any form... that's delusional.

However, his thoughts were interrupted by Nezu. "Finally. I was wondering when you'd get here."
Without skipping a beat, the greenette asked, "Are the defenses ready?"
And, his principal reported it directly. "UA's are the strongest in Japan. We're ready."
He sighed, exhaling some worry. "Good. Let the military know to defend this location at all costs. By the way, have you seen Mom on the city cameras at all? I've been trying to contact her."
That made the mammal frown. Not a good sign. "No, I haven't... she wasn't supposed to leave the room we gave her, but nobody has seen her leave. I'm sure she's here."

That didn't put Izuku at ease. But, he couldn't get distracted. Concentrating, he focused on what he needed to do... and that made the room shine. "Nezu, you should leave the room. This is going to be where every monster the Entity has will be coming. You should go to the command center and help direct our forces."
Nezu nodded in understanding... but he stopped before leaving through the door. "I will... and Midoriya?"
The boy turned to the chimera, who replied with a simple: "Good luck."
Izuku smiled back, "You too."

Meiyo Yamaoka fired at the never ending waves of horrible monstrosities and killers. Many of those who exited the fog weren't even human, and of those that were, only a small amount actually didn't attack them. However, reports he heard indicated that many sections of the line was starting to crumble. Through attrition, they were being pushed back, even as the bodies of the Lovecraftian horrors piled high. The woman who came from the fog had introduced herself quickly as Jill Valentine, and requested high ordinance to deal with the Nemesis. They had obliged, and she had certainly taken it down... after it mutated multiple times into this massive monstrosity of flesh and bone. Only after firing a rocket launcher down its throat did it die... but that didn't matter anymore. They were quickly running low on ammunition, and he tried to reach command for a resupply if possible. Jets streaked across the sky, carpet bombing entire sections of the monsters, before being knocked from the sky from one enemy or another. Helicopters provided further aerial support, and provided resupply or retreat for the wounded... and they now needed that. As the chopper was approaching, flying monstrosities swarmed it and took it down. The ground shuddered as it crashed, and Meiyo had to make the hard decision for his squad. "Alright... we're going to the crash site. We need the ammunition and supplies. Anyone hurt badly?"

There was one. He was unable to move on his own, as his leg was messed up. "Alright..." As he was going to assign someone to help, Jill moved on her own to prop him up. Seeing this, the others offered to help, but she didn't understand, or didn't want any. The translator confirmed the latter, and so, they moved out.

Bakugo walked away from the bodies of AFO and Tomura Shigaraki. He caught them off guard, and with his body strengthened by the Entity... they were no match. Now that they outlived their usefulness, they were dead weight. The rest of the league wouldn't be a problem with the two leaders gone. Seeing the carnage outside, he waited for the familiar whispers to reach his mind. When they did, he had new orders. And he smiled, as they were his kind of orders. Time to take care of an annoyance at Dekia City...

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