Three Lost Kids

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Jonathan Byers was surprised to see Izuku Midoriya inside with a mouse-like creature in a suit. The greenette gestured to the couch in front of them. "Take a seat." He did so without a word. Best to go along with the flow, in this case.

Izuku was the first to ask. His question was curious, more than concerned at this time. "So, you've managed to get out of the fog... what about the others from Hawkins?" Nezu was preparing a tea kettle, and the American knew it would be detrimental to not accept it.

As he did so, the boy stated, "Don't know. Probably. We went through the same patch together. We may have been separated..."
When he was interrupted, Byers took the opportunity to take a sip of tea. It was rather good. "What are their names?" Nezu asked, opening his computer and typing into it. He was quick, despite his small size.

"Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler?" Jonathan wasn't sure if he could find them with a computer that small, but from his experience in this place, even cellphones had powerful computers in them. Times change and tech advances. It was just a bit of remaining culture shock.

Not even five minutes later, there was a voice of triumph. "Aha! I think I have found them!" Nezu chirped, before turning it to him. "Are these your friends?"

Izuku said, nodding at the images on the screen. "I can confirm that those are indeed Steve and Nancy, having met them before..." Johnathan also confirmed this with a single nod of his head. 

Nezu continued, showing a map with their rough locations. One was in the West Coast of the United States, somewhere in California, while the other in Australia, on the east coast. "Well, they are in the US and Australia. Steve in a vigilante gang, and Nancy in a boarding school in Australia."

"Okay." Byers nodded, glad to hear they were still alive. After not hearing anything from them, he didn't know whether to give up hope, but also silently laughed at the fact Steve joined vigilantes. It seemed like his sort of thing. "Is there a way to bring them here?"

Nezu answered his question, wholeheartedly. "Of course. I can get Ms Wheeler within the week, but Mr. Harrington is a different story. After all, he is engaging in illegal activity, and his exact location is unknown. But... there may be a way to get him here... but it would require your help, Mr. Byers. Would you be willing to help?"

The brunette immediately agreed to that course of action. After all, it would be best to have everyone back together. They were stronger in a group than separate. "It would be easier with Nancy here... she was closer to him than I was."

"Very well." Nezu nodded, and began to type an email. Formulating something so trivial was almost second nature to the IQ quirk holder. After all, there are many ways to... request a transfer. Especially of someone into General Education.

Izuku, however, began to explain the whole situation to him. When he was finished, Jonathan couldn't believe it. They didn't have a lot of time before to discuss what was actually going on, but not having to explain what the Entity was certainly made things much easier. "Are... are you serious? That's where you went to?"

A single word, and a single nod. "Yep."

Then Johnathan got hung up on the part Izuku didn't expect him to. But... honestly should have. After all, the Onryo had a much different reputation in the Fog than out of it. "And you and the Onryo, not Huntress, not Pig, but Onryo, of all people, got into a relationship?"

The greenette nodded, beaming with pride at that part. I mean, if anyone was in that situation, they would too. She was devilishly cute under her hair. "Yes."

"And to top it off, it was because of that, that you were able to get the required materials to escape?"

Izuku's smile was nearly infectious at this point. "Mhm."

"And now, there are plenty of killers from the fog who are trying to drag this world to hell?"

Sighing, of course the bad part of his arrival had to be repeated. "Yes."

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