The Twisted Masquerade Continues

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The main hall was grand, and there was no other way to describe it than that. There was a long table, with enough space for everyone to sit comfortably, rested in the center of the hall. It contained more gold than the Vatican, and with enough twisted art for even the Legion to respect. As it was a time of relative peace, everyone was seated cordially. There weren't many spots left, but there were two right next to each other. Sadako sat on Izuku's right... while the Doctor was already seated on his left. Fortunately, other survivors were across the table, and the Doctor was smarter than to pursue any... undue questioning while out of a trial. At least, that was what Izuku was hoping.

The Doctor glanced at him. His voice was just as deep as before, "Nervous? Don't worry... I don't bite... not like those two." He gestured down the table, where Lisa Sherwood and the Bubba Sawyer sat, picking and choosing their favorite portions of what... Izuku didn't even want to think about what they were choosing between. The Hag seemed to enjoy organs more, liver and kidneys were on her plate, while Bubba chose strips of flesh.

"Besides," he continued, his eyes blazing with curiosity, "You're far more fascinating to me alive right now, so you need not worry."

That didn't put him at ease at all. So he graciously thanked the man, with lots of respect, before turning to Sadako. "You alright?"
Underneath her hair, the greenette couldn't see her face, but she was happier once he started talking to her. She responded as he started to take food from the middle of the table... "I am fine. That David... will die at the next trial."
Pausing, he glanced at her, nervous. "Don't all survivors, including me, die to you every other trial?"

However, her wrath was not directed at the greenette, despite the harsh tone of voice she used. "No, he hit me with a sharp piece of glass in the back of my neck, then hit me with a pallet before using a locker to hit me again. He's one of those that just wants to make it miserable for us, even though most of us don't like to kill. Well, I don't."

Turning away from that topic, he asked, "Right... is there anything... positive to talk about?"
"Well, Rin said to me about how Herman let you go last trial. I hope he didn't do anything too bad against you?"

"Herman... oh, you mean the Doctor..." He glanced over at the man as he was discussing something with another killer. It was the Trapper. They were talking about out thinking survivors... or something similar. "Yeah, he let me go after asking some questions about my Earth."
Her head snapped to him, and he could see concern in her eye as it peered through a part in the hair.

"Herman must have received some valuable information. What did you tell him?"
Izuku, now even more worried. "Just about quirks... why?"
Having heard about this from him, she shook her head, "Quirks? Oh dear... I know what he's thinking now. He will want to experiment with the next... What is it called? The next person from your world that he will see."

Horror crept into his very soul as he thought about it. The person who had no problems scrambling people's brains with electricity on a near constant basis let him go without shocking him? Of course he was doing that out of courtesy! Because... he gained something far more valuable than anything else he had. Knowledge. And promise of a more interesting future for the mad doctor. However, Sadako changed the subject, "Well, things are alright on my side. The Legion are a pain in the neck, however most treat each other with respect. Well, those that are capable of rational thought, anyway."
Izuku was curious about this fact. That some are not sentient at all. "And which ones don't?"

"Hillbilly, Pyramid Head, Nemesis, and Micheal Myers do not really have sentience beyond how they kill. That and they don't talk."

"I see..."

She elaborated, "But, things are nice, I suppose. My well is cozy, even though it's a little damp... and cold... but it could be way worse."
Izuku cut that thought process off. "I don't think you should have to suffer that."

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