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At the next major staff meeting, Izuku and Sadako explained everything they knew. Nezu was now quietly panicking even more than he was before, stating outright, "What am I going to tell the Commission? There's only so much time I can lead them away from the topic of why Hawks, the number 3 hero, is gone."

Izuku dismissed their presence. After all, they usually just... got in the way. Especially with what the green haired boy predicted. At this point, having not caught any of the Veil members yet... his patience was running thin. "Well, just tell them a villain is running loose."

Midnight, nervous about anything related to that... incident, was far more cautious. "Hawks was number 3 for a reason, Izuku."
Sadako normally would've been very jealous... but even she understood why the teacher as so... casual to use a first name. That being because he saved the heroine. And for that reason alone, did she allow it. Meanwhile, Izuku, on the other hand, still brushed her concerns aside. "It doesn't matter, I want to help teach heroics, so that I can prepare my class..."
It was then that there was a phone call. It was from the lead secretary, the one who met parents and guests, and was in charge of the gate. "Sir, there is a government representative here."
"What? Tell them I am busy..."

She still reported dutifully, "It is not going to work. They are going to your office."

Panicing over appearrances, the white furred mammal replied back, "But I'm in the staff meeting room!"

With a demure voice, the secretary asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Nezu gritted his teeth. This whole situation was one of the worst kinds of scenarios he could have, especially with the answers being what they were. "Send them here."

"Yes sir." She hung up.

In a few minutes of guarded tension, footsteps could be heard before the door finally opened. An austere woman was flanked by two bodyguards. They were picked for their intimidating appearances, as well as flashy quirks, which didn't clash with their black suits. The atmosphere in the room darkend, and both Izuku and Sadako could tell that things were very... tense. The greenette motioned to stay quiet, and calm, as now was not the time to make a scene.

The woman didn't regard anyone in the room except for the dutiful principal. "Nezu, you have some explaining to do. You've been deflecting, ignoring my calls, and doing everything in your power to hide the whereabouts of Hawks. Where is he?"

"Well..." Nezu was nervous at this time, because lying and telling the truth would have the same result. He did not anticipate that she would come here in person. "Hawks is..."
Izuku spoke up, seeing that this would not be resolved without the truth that Nezu was unwilling to give. It risked hell, but time was short. While he didn't want to make a scene... it was clearly unavoidable. "Dead."
She whipped to face him. This was not Nezu. In fact, she had no clue who this... boy was. And how he could sso callously speak to her in that way. Her voice was sharp, and Sadako tensed at the tone, glaring at her underneath her dark hair. "What was that?" The HPSC President's eyes narrowed, "What is a... no, what are childred doing in here?"
Izuku, however, only reponded dryly. "Says the uninvited guest."

The room was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. "What would you know, brat?"

Well, she wanted to be snippy? He could be the same right back. Slyly, he started, "Well... I know that you are having trouble with a new set of villains. You've probably been hearing the name Black Veil go around, and they recently broke Tomura Shigaraki out of prison. Am I wrong?"

Fuming, but incredulous, she narrowed her eyes, "How do you..."

Izuku ignored her, and continued to outline what he knew that she knew as well. "There will also have been reports of villains with attacks that are... uncounterable or... do more damage... than is possible with a single hit... They're probably targeting pro heroes, right?"

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