Tormented Without Choice

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Izuku was downed on the ground. The hit from the oversized knife hit like a train, and due to that, he couldn't move. It was excruciating, as he couldn't stand up for himself. The Executioner stood above him, knife trailing behind. He hesitated before hearing a gen pop, and so he picked me up in response. I struggled for a moment before being hooked in the middle, right next to the generator. I could only watch as it walked over, kicked the gen, and went on its way. What alarmed me was that the gen immediately glowed yellow with its aura and its terror radius dissappeared. That's not its power! Wait, if survivors have perks, do they have perks too?

However,  just as he was thinking about that, a man, who he knew went by the name Leon Kennedy, ran over to help. Izuku had seen him around, but they'd never talked before. Not at the campfire. This would be his first time interacting with the man. He lifted me off the hook, and gestured for me to follow him, which I did. I knew why. His perk, Bite the Bullet, allowed him to heal himself and others silently.

The healing work was quick, as well. After that, he handed something to me.

"If that thing comes back... use this to make a getaway. It's just a flashbang, but it still blinds them."
Izuku nodded, careful to keep the grenade's pin in it until it's needed. "Right... what is this killer's power?"
Leon looked at him, before he remembered a crucial detail about the boy. "Oh... right, you're new... his power allows him to leave trails in the ground, and fire a shockwave through the ground. It even travels through walls. Don't step in the trails, as you'll become tormented. Tormented survivors can be sent to cages which ignore survivor perks around hooks, and can be outright killed on their last hook."

That's so powerful! He doesn't follow the rules the others have to! The greenette nodded, understanding the inherent power that breaking the trial rules meant. "I'll keep that in mind..."

"Why did the gen turn yellow? Is that a perk?"
Leon nodded, seeing the generator. "Yes. Killers have perks too. As far as I know, that's one of his... makes him undetectable, but only until it stops regressing. If we stop it from regressing progress, then the effect stops. There is a cooldown, but I'm not sure how long it is."

That seems balanced... compared to his power. "Ok. Thanks."
The blond man nodded, still serious. "No problem. Stay safe. This place is a maze." Just then another gen popped. Izuku and Leon went their separate ways just as Claire was put down. However, I watched her aura as it was sucked into the ground, and transported to a random area. She wasn't hooked. But I have no idea what that cage is like... I just hope that doesn't happen to me.

Izuku worked on a generator. I haven't actually fixed one by myself before... Even as he worked, sounds of shockwaves echoed through the building, indicating that the killer was chasing multiple survivors. However, they never went down. It seems that these survivors knew what to do against this killer. The gen flared to life under his care, and so he explored further for another gen, and that's when I heard the down. It was a girl, but I couldn't tell who. Again, like Leon, Izuku hadn't interacted with her before. However, she was sent to a cage, and it was right around the corner. Walking to her, Izuku gasped.
The cage was rectangular, made from rusted iron. There were spikes facing inwards, although she was suspended off of the floor by only two of the metal spikes. When the boy approached, he noticed that the cage's metal bent outwards, as if offering her to him. Helping her off the spikes, and went to healing her right away. She stopped him after healing her shoulders, and gestured me to follow her. She explains. "One of the Executioner's perks is that it makes healers oblivious when outside their TR. I can heal myself. Thanks for patching me up slightly though."
Crucial info! "Thanks for the warning... I'll find a gen."

She nodded, and then started healing herself. I split up and we went our separate ways. Eventually, I found another gen and got to work just as Leon was hooked. Only two gens have been done so far! We need another three! Since they're not going down as quickly, I will work on gens for now...

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