Beginning of Resistance

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When Izuku and Sadako returned to the apartment, they found themselves beset by Inko, who was asking nonstop questions about what happened. Her son was too embarrassed, with reddened face, and needed time to relax. So, while he was getting into more comfortable clothes, Sadako and Inko discussed what happened. "So then, we went to an ice cream shop... there were so many flavors, I couldn't choose. Izuku went with the "Allmight flavor", which was really just Vanilla with some extra colorings put in. I ended up going with the "Midnight Surprise", which was chocolate with marshmallow chunks and fudge."

The greenette latched onto every word. She asked again, "What happened after?"
"Then we went to a place to watch the sunset, overlooking the beach... and that's when I did it. I kissed him. Right there." The Onryo's gaze drifted off as she remembered the scene, sighing with longing to go back to that moment.
Inko clasped her hands together, nearly crying with joy at the scene she described, "Aww... that's so romantic!"

"Yeah..." As Inko continued to gush over their day, Sadako interrupted her, with a... question of her own. And a complete tone change as well. "Do you know a... "Bakugo"?"

Inko didn't pick up on the tone of voice. "I do... Mitsuki Bakugo is a dear friend of mine. She's been married to Masaru for about two decades, and had a rambunctious boy named Katsuki a while back. I haven't seen much of the boy lately... but Mitsuki's stopped by every other month."

Looking down, Sadako mused: "So, Katsuki is his name..."
Not liking her somber tone, asked, "Why, did you see him today?"
Meeting her... mother in law's green eyes, she confirmed it, "Yeah... and it wasn't good. I heard enough to make me hate him. To be honest, I only heard about the bare minimum from today..."
"Why...?" Inko's voice was now very quiet, and pained.

The girlfriend told the mother, "Izuku called him a tormentor since he was 4. I don't think he was ever a friend."
Inko rubbed her eyes, tears already running down her face. "Oh, Izu... why did you hide that from me? I could have told Mitsuki..."

Izuku arrived just as he heard that. He froze under their combined gaze. They both looked heartbroken. "Izuku..."
Oh dear... I hope I didn't do anything wrong.

Sadako could tell what he was thinking and shook her head. "It's not about that... it's about the fact you hid your own pain from Inko."

Oh. This is way worse.

They wouldn't let him out of their sight, and after a hugging session, Inko said something important. "Oh, Toshinori stopped by today."
That caught him off guard. "Really? What did he say?"
"Nezu would like to interview you, he thinks you have what it takes to be a hero."

It was at that moment that Izuku remembered his true goal. He'd be meeting with Nezu soon, and it would honestly get in the way... because they don't understand. It was why he had called Sadako to him... and he was going to have to ask her for a very serious favor. It would test their new relationship, but he hoped she'd understand. With a serious tone, the green haired boy asked, "Sadako... can I ask you a favor?"

She picked up on his tone of voice. "What do you need?"

"I need to study the glyphs properly."

Sadako nodded, "That's right... Vigo's journal was left behind, wasn't it?"

"Yes. Don't go for it. That is suicide. For now... just the glyphs."

"I will."

Inko, meanwhile, was confused by the sudden change in conversation. "What are you two talking about?"

"Mom, at this point, it's better for you to not know." He turned back to Sadako. "Can you do it?"

She nodded, "I can. You still have the tape?"

"Yes. I can call you back with no problems."

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