Darkness Among Us

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Jules Kostenko was furious. She saw Jeff, and didn't mind him. After all, they wouldn't have their mural here without his artistic genius, nor their logo, due to that... but Laurie... she stabbed her in the eye with a piece of broken glass last time they met. Jules was not going to let her get away if she could get away with it. The masked blonde looked around the main area. She'd heard her moans of pain, however, they had stopped. Damnit. She must've healed in here, when I find that bitch I'll rip her intestines out and make a noose out of them. Then maybe skin her alive before I slowly choke the life out of her with her own organs... that sounds like fun... good thing I brought a Momento Mori offering I'd been saving...

She walked past the indoor fire pit, and turned to go upstairs. It was then, halfway up, when she saw a person. That kid with green hair. They're new. Perhaps I can... interrogate him... after all... he won't resist telling me where she is... not if I take off my mask and chat... 'nicely'... She grinned deviously before taking her mask off, taking her hood off in the process, and suppressing her desire to kill. Hiding both the knife and the mask behind her back, she walked over to him and poked him in the shoulder.

When Izuku felt that poke in his shoulder, the boy jumped, spinning around. Landing in a semi-karate pose, he saw a teenage girl with concern on her face. "Oh... hi... uh... who're you?"
"I'm Julie... I'm looking for Laurie. She said she'd have something for me, and we haven't been able to talk..."

"Um... is right now the best time for that? There's literally a knife happy girl running around..." Something was nagging the back of my head. It was then that he noticed the denim jacket. It looked familiar, next to the dirty blonde hair, and finally... the name. Julie... wait... Jeff called this girl Jules... she's pretending to be nice to me... to find Laurie... SHE'S THE KILLER!

"Well... I have a few tricks to stay away from them." The girl was of course referring to the fact that she is the killer. However, she didn't think that he understood that yet.

Trying to keep cool, he offered his 'assistance', "I... I could try to help you find her... but I have no idea where she is...?"
She squealed in delight, almost breaking the persona... Julie... had created. "Aw, thanks! I never got your name..."
Looking away, he said, "I'm... Izuku..."
"Well, Izuku, if you help... I can give you something in return..."
He shook his head in denial. "O-oh, that's... that's not necessary..."
"I insist." He didn't trust her, especially after that... but she wouldn't leave. So, the greenette decided to turn the tables on her. If she wants to use me to look for Laurie, then I would be a distraction for her.

Jeff was nervous. Legion members always benefit from unleashing their terror radius and going ballistic, and yet he hadn't heard them in a while. He was wondering if they had given up when he saw Izuku. He walked over. "Hey... Jeff..."
Izuku made a point of whispering to him, as if he didn't want to let him know someone was there. "Do you know where Laurie is?"
"No." He was confused until he saw the girl watching him in the distance. She wore the denim blue jacket the killer did, and her face... just like high school. He's being co-erced by Jules.

Confidently, he stated, loud enough to be heard from that distance, "I haven't seen her since the start of the match."

Izuku nodded, "I see... Let her know someone's looking for her."
"I will." Jules' obsession is Laurie this time round... good to know...
As soon as Izuku left, tailed by Jules, the bearded man immediately bolted. He had to look for Laurie before the last gen got done. It was possible she was borrowing that perk from the Spirit, if an offering wasn't used. Quickly hurrying along, Jeff did not want to lose any time.

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