Brought to the Light

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Nancy found herself back on the private jet. She never got to meet Izuku's classmates, but he assured her that Bakugo was an outlier. Sadako didn't board the plane with the two of them, and now she had Jonathan as company. The silence was getting to them both, but Nancy asked first, while looking out the window, watching the clouds pass by. "What would you do if none of this ever happened?"

"None of this?" He asked, closing the old fashioned film based camera he was tinkering with. It was a question that did require his whole focus and attention.

The brunette elaborated, gesturing around to things as she spoke. "What happened at Hawkins, the Fog... what would you be doing if none of this ever happened?"

He paused, thinking for a moment. If he never got involved, if his brother was never taken by the Demogorgon... he would be a very different person than he is now. That much was certain. "I would be the loner you knew I was before. I would try to get into photography, because I found it fascinating. Perhaps as a Journalist. Why do you ask?"
Nancy looked away, out the window, to the ocean, which stretched to all sides. "Well... I wonder what I would've done. I didn't have a clue what I was going to do after school, and now, I still don't."

"Nancy..." He started, "You've always been... fixated on the present. You're determined at whatever you do... but... you're getting burnt out." It was obvious to him, and it would be obvious to Steve too, once they met again.

She asked, in a moment of vulnerability and doubt. After all, the Entity was basically a dark goddess. How would they win? "It's just... what if none of our actions matter?"
Johnathan was quick to respond, confident. "They do matter. Otherwise, why would it want Izuku so badly?"

She turned to face him, confused. He clearly knew something she did not. "What do you mean?"
Jonathan explained what he'd learnt, and that brought newfound hope.

Izuku couldn't see the two of them off. There was too much to do, and Nezu's first message was concerning. As soon as he arrived, he could tell how bad things were. "No luck convincing the UN?"

"They're currently laughing at me, if I were to guess." Nezu sighed. He spent the entire night trying to convince the members of the United Nations, contacting their headquarters in New York. "It isn't working, and now the Japanese government wants to have me in a meeting, probably to strip me of my role as UA's principal."

Izuku frowned. "Really? Even after we gave solid proof of the MLA's corruption of the government, they still view you as the problem?" Slide 'n Go had resigned soon after the interview. Not wanting to risk himself and his... precious movement. It was hilarious to the two of them, considering the MLA hated their beings with an utter passion, as they refuted all their messages by existing... but quickly turned from a joke to a sick one when the government believed him over them.

Izuku was getting tired of this. They were simply running out of time. It was unlikely that Steve would even be retrieved in time, nor would they be able to train them. It was more for peace of mind, than anything else. Determined, he was going to make these politicians see reason for once. "I'm coming with. You need an ally to defend you, and explain everything."

Nezu shook his head, "No, you need to be out of jail..."
In a flash of light, Izuku's clothes were changed to a formal suit with an emerald green tie. He was now presentable to the representatives. "Not when I force the truth down their throats."

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