Test of Intention

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The next day, Sadako arrived back, immediately checking in on her boyfriend, finding him speaking to his mother. He pleaded with her, "I just want you to be safe..."

Inko, however, was stubborn. A character trait they both shared, but one that did them no favors at this time. "Izuku, nobody is going to be safe. The sports festival, the most protected event in the world, had... that attack happen. I'm no safer here than at home."

Izuku sighed, knowing that she would not change her mind. He may be everything she had, but her place was at home, not UA. And she would not be moved on that matter. Inko was a lot like Izuku in that regard, where they would not change their mind if they really set their mind to something. Seeing the conversation at a standstill, Sadako interrupted with the message she had been sent to deliver. "Izuku... Nezu wants you at the next meeting... which is very soon."

The greenette acknowledged her. "Mom, I'll continue this conversation later... just rest, please."

"I will." She smiled slightly. Watching as the two of them as they went, she sighed, content, thinking only how: They are perfect for each other. It's good to see him all grown up.

Izuku knew this meeting would go very badly based on Nezu's demure mood. The chimera was usually very good at hiding his emotions, but the greenette could tell... mainly due to the auris. However, as Izuku scanned the room, and found the source of the problem. Slide & Go. The other heroes in the room were all good, genuine people, ones he'd gotten to know decently, even Burnin. She may have been a sidekick to Endeavour, but she was a far better person. The Auris showed them all as good people. However, even a cursory glance at Slide 'n Go showed a twisted being. One like Danny Johnson, hiding in plain sight. Nezu must have known this. Or if he didn't, he would soon. He greeted everyone, wincing slightly with some leftover pain, but still trying to be upbeat. "Hello everyone... sorry for my lateness..."

"That's alright, how are you feeling?" Midnight asked. She had recieved minimal injuries, being one of the only heroes able to subdue mass crowds like she could. But, after Izuku helped heal her mind, the two had developed a strong, empathetic bond.

He shrugged, not at ease, but enough to make her worries go away. "I still ache, but I'm well enough to walk."

Slide 'n Go asked with concern, "Were you in the attack?" His eyes depicted confusion, and mistrust, even though his demeanor was that of a caring hero. He was a good actor.

Izuku acknowledged him, "I was attacked the day before, and unconscious during it."

Even as he thought, the new staff member was confused by his mere presence. Him and Sadako. "Why would... wait, why is a child... no, why are children even here?"

Nezu smiled, and Izuku spoke plainly, for the both of them. "Because there are things going on in the background. Things the government has been informed about, of which I and Sadako Yamamura... are key witnesses and strategists. We understand the enemy we face better than anyone."

He still looked unconvinced, as if anything said by a child shouldn't be taken seriously. "Really?"

Izuku smirked. "What do you think is the worst possible thing that can happen at the current moment?"

A serious question, and an open ended one, "Well, the League could take over, bring the government to ruins..."

The greenette laughed, interrupting the man to his annoyance. "That's being very optimistic... did you ever look over the files I gave the Hero Commission?"
He basically admitted he didn't. I mean, why read something flagged as important? Especially when it's your job? "Only the parts not redacted or scrubbed due to irrelevance."
Izuku looked at the man as if he had grown a third head. Shocked at the audacity of the HSPC, he thought aloud, "They... they deleted part of the information? None of it was superfluous. I gave only facts and data. What they covet..." Izuku shook his head as he halted the spin of the Auris for a moment. Looking at its interior, he sighed, calming down. "This world will be devoured, it's people tormented and tortured by killers, both real and created for the task. Slowly, every soul will be consumed, and our hollow, empty husks will be tossed aside into a bottomless void. The Entity hungers, Slide 'n Go, and it is my duty to make sure that doesn't happen. While the League were the main force at the attack, humanity's true enemy are these individuals."

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