Humanity's Resilience

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Izuku watched the two previous halves of a whole entity whirl to face each other. The original, feminine Avatar would not take the threat of the newly freed Operator lying down. The greenette had this plan ever since he came back, no, ever since the library in the Entity's realm. How best to take it down? Have it fight itself. Have it tear itself to pieces in order to prove which Entity was allowed to survive, then eliminate the survivor. And that is working even better due to the fact there were two minds now fighting against each other. He was grinning because it would sow discord amongst all of their forces. The Entity's biggest strength was its single minded unity, and he had just shattered that, done what no man or woman had done before. Not even Vigo, or Henry had been able to do that... he just hoped that humanity would recognize this.

Laurie Strode never thought she'd be back on earth, in Haddonfield, no less. But as she fought the Entity off, Micheal Myers had made his presence known. He was about to strike down another person, Claudette Morel, when one of the masked individuals, part of the... weird half of the Entity, leapt and attacked him. Stabbing him in the back, he made a noise, before reaching back to grab at them, when Laurie aimed her now fully reloaded shotgun, and said, "Hey Micheal!" He stopped and turned. His obsession would always be able to get his attention. When she saw his mask turn, she fired, aiming point blank at his head. His mask was shredded, and his head exploded from the blast. Even still, she had no idea if he would stay that way. He had an annoying habit of coming back after being shot.

Even still, she turned, whirling on the other masked individual, who was focused on... the other killers? What was going on!? Either way, she found a military radio and listened in. Many others were noticing how a faction of the enemy had turned against each other. Chaos was now in the enemy's forces, and it gave breathing room to push them back. The US was now properly regrouping, and all who were combat capable would help push them back. They were then going to help Canada and Mexico, who had asked for assistance as well. As the sun set, Laurie sat down on the porch of her old home. Sighing, she finally closed her eyes and slept soundly for the first time in years. No nightmares any longer, her boogeyman was now dead.

Midnight hefted her rifle. She had received a lot of looks from the men in the military, but she didn't mind. Then again, it was kinda her choice to wear her hero outfit, which did not offer as much protection against those things... but it wasn't important, and she had a duty to complete. As she watched the carnage, she picked off targets, prioritizing saving lives over killing. As a heroine should. However... as the tide turned, and the Entity's forces turned against each other, she heard it. Over the sounds of battle, the lullaby was all she could hear. Frantic, she searched for the source, and found it down on the battlefield. She was hacking at any that attacked her, human or not. A one woman army. She even rushed a man with a shotgun, the man shooting and tearing off half the mask, only to receive her ax to the face, splitting it down the middle. Her trigger finger trembled as she could only watch as she, still with grace and persistence, kept tearing through the line. Soon, however, she encountered one of the Class A students that Izuku had augmented. He'd gotten to all of them, in the end. Improving them beyond their wildest dreams, elevating them to demigods in their own right. Based on the armor design, coloration... and hesitation... it was Minrou Mineta. She'd actually seen his final look, and he didn't look like the embarrassment of a human being he used to be. He actually looked decent, his voice was better without a lisp, and his personality had been "fixed". At least that's what Midoriya claimed. But, even still, he fought directly against the big Russian killer. But it was clear that she had more experience and strength for this situation... and had torn off his helmet. She raised the ax, and swung downward, only for him to catch it by the handle. They were struggling, and it was then that Midnight finally got over her fear, because no student of hers would die to that monster. Not now, not ever. Pulling the trigger, one shot was all that was needed. The Huntress was dead.

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