Burnin' Questions

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The next day, class was as normal as it could be. Granted, Aizawa was still gone, but they had replaced his homeroom teacher with a new hire: the newly anointed hero: Burnin. She was a sidekick for Endeavour, but the offer Nezu had put out was for anyone, and gave sidekicks a fast track to full herodom. She was the first to accept, seeing the opportunity to become a full pro, and no longer just attached to Endeavour as a sidekick. However, unlike Aizawa, she was a bundle of energy, ready to be directed at whatever she needed to do.

And today was her first class.

"HELLO CLASS A! I AM YOUR NEW HOMEROOM TEACHER, BURNIN! YOU CAN CALL ME THAT, OR KAMIJI SENSEI!" She calmed down a bit, before continuing. "I'm sure some of you have heard o' me. I used to work with Endeavour, as a sidekick."

"Miss!" Iida raised his hand.

"Yes, Iida!"

"What qualifies you to be the replacement teacher? Why did you choose to work at UA?"

She grinned, appreciating that the students would be judging her for her credentials, not just letting her coast by. The challenge was appreciated. "Well, the offer requires that Homeroom teachers be able to handle a class of 20 students, and help settle inter-student disputes. Both things I am good at. This was also an opportunity to become a full Pro in my own right, meaning I'm no longer just a "sidekick". Any other questions?"

Izuku raised a hand.

Remembering the class list, she asked the boy, "Yes, Midoriya?"

Surprisingly, it was not about her role in class, but as a staff member, "You are going to be participating in all faculty activities?"

"Yep! Don't'cha worry, I know everything I need to in order to take on your class!" She grinned, just as Ectoplasm arrived. "Ah, perfect! Now it's math class. I will see you later!"

When she left, Ectoplasm sighed, quietly chuckling to himself. "Ah, youth. Speaking of which, Midoriya, Recovery Girl wishes to see you in her office."

He nodded, and got up, "Right."

Arriving at the office, he held the Auris up, ready to go. The greenette told the nurse what he needed. "This will require absolute concentration. If I mess up even a little, it could be disastrous. I'll need a private room with no interruptions."

"Very well." Recovery Girl went to the exit, and waited near the door. That way if anyone was outside, she could head them off.

Leaving the device stationary in the air, Izuku cracked his knuckles by interlocking his fingers and pushing outward, before manipulating it yet again. This time, a blue tinged fog started to cover the floor. Light formed into a memory. The only one that mattered.

It showed them arriving at the dead city, the four of them walking through it, finding the blight's remains... and then Hawks was struck down when he searched the skies. He could feel her building fear as the Huntress tore through their group... and how she barely escaped by train. When the fog dissipated, the room darkened... and it was just Izuku and Kamaya. They stood in a black void.

She was facing away from him, static, standing still. So, Izuku had to ask: "Miss Midnight?"

Quickly, the pro heroine faced him. This was a representation of her mind, and it was far from the glamorous persona she usually had. The hair was unkempt, there was a sleepless set of shadows under her eyes, and anxiety as her main expression. "Midoriya?" She was confused, which made sense since nobody had ever seen this... not even Izuku at this point.

He smiled, speaking to the ravenette directly. "Welcome to your mind. This was the only way I could get a response out of you."
Looking around, all she saw was a void... and fog. Not a dark fog, but a light one, with hints of blue. "How...?"

The greenette said one line, something that Nezu had told them he said before. "Remember, the Auris is a multitool, not just a knife."
"..." The Ravenette didn't have anything to say about that.

Izuku sighed, completely calm and understanding as he continued, "I've seen your memories. Hawks chose to sacrifice himself. None of it is your fault."
"But it is! If I didn't freeze, if I helped..."
"You would all be dead." Izuku was firm on that. "The Entity strengthens the people who kill for it, making them far more durable than normal, with boundless energy. It was just a really bad matchup. Your entire team was great for restraining the Blight, but was worthless against the Huntress. It's not your fault."

The heroine wanted to interject, "But..."
The greenette didn't let her, knowing it would be self depreciating. "I remember the first time I was the only survivor. It was against the Executioner. The only reason I kept going was because of my drive to help people. It broke me, for a time. Until I remembered that there are more that need our help. And more that miss you. There are both waiting for you, and we're still on Earth. We still have a chance. Do not let yourself despair. I don't want you to suffer like I did."

She smiled slightly, "You're... you're right. It's just, Sho..."
"We have no idea if he is dead or alive. He could be in the fog. We just don't know."

She nodded, accepting that, for now. There was hope, rekindled in Midnight's eyes as fog clouded her vision, and Izuku left her mind.

When the hospital room cleared, Izuku smiled. Recovery girl asked, "Did it work?"
Izuku nodded, smiling gently as he watched the older woman sleep. Before it was restless, but now... it was peaceful. "It did. I was able to help."
Recovery Girl noted, still not convinced, "She's still asleep."
He turned back to her, "The rest will be good, when she wakes up, she'll be better."

The elderly woman smiled, "Thank you for being able to help."
"It's no problem at all. I've been wanting to, anyway."

Meanwhile, Bakugo fumed through the entirety of the day. Why the fuck is Deku able to skip out on class?! What makes him so special? Why is he having private meetings with teachers? Why is he even here in the first place? He never took the fucking exam!

It was then that he received an answer. Whispers in the back of his mind, from someone unseen. Because they favor him. I can grant you more strength than you currently have, the strength to beat him, once and for all, and my favor. Do you want it?

The blond looked around, searching for the possible telepath. How can I trust you?!

Because I hate him too.

That was enough to make the blond bear a wicked grin. I'm listening.

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