An Edge for Victory

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The flight was long, and dull. When they arrived, they had managed to sleep through most of it, and wore comfortable attire. They had their luggage, and a car delivered them to where they needed to go, temporary accomidation provided by UA, and were given a map. They were as set as they could be. They just had to get there. And that was the tricky part, as finding Steven in San Francisco was the equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack.

They also had to find, and move a VCR player across the city, which annoyed them slightly

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They also had to find, and move a VCR player across the city, which annoyed them slightly. Considering how outdated the tech is, it was certainly a pain to find. Not that they minded, it was refreshing to go through prequirk tech. Their tech. Hell, they even gave the seller some pointers on maintenance for some of the objects... like the old fashioned TV. After lugging it back to their apartment and setting it up... Johnathan inserted the VHS tape... 

Sadako crawled through the TV, head first, just as unnerving as the first time Nancy had seen her. Every movement was calculated, but perfected. At least in its eyes. And that was scary enough... but now she was on her side. Swallowing her fear, the brunette asked, "So, where do we start?"Even though they were searching, the two survivors didn't know they'd be effectively bringing a magnet to this hunt.

Sadako thought for a moment, before stating something that seemed obvious to her, but not to the survivors. "We start... by following the hunter. The Demogorgon is here."
"Dem... Demogorgon?" Nancy asked, shocked. There were plethora of questions she wanted to ask, but only had the words for one. "But... why?"
Sadako stopped, looking at the ground. There was a substance, dark in color, clearly drying, but distinct enough to be something specific. The survivors had no clue... but the Onryo knew what exactly it was. "It's bleeding. Only a few know its weaknesses, that being you three." Sadako said, in a succinct tone.

Jonathan nodded. The three of them were smart, but he was the more observant. "It's from our world. It makes sense that only we'd know how to deal with it..."
Nancy did ask, considering the fact they were in another world, with different rules than their own. "Couldn't a hero or villain hurt it?"
Sadako shook her head, "Unlikely. A hero's biggest weakness is due to the fact they only deal with humans. Quirks can't counter raw strength. Izuku's homeroom teacher can't erase 'mutant' class quirks, nearly resulting in his death. And, arrogance has killed heroes before. Izuku asked me to keep an eye on it. Only in recent history has its killings dipped off a bit, and that is most likely due to..."
"Steve." Nancy finished. She really didn't want to find it. The last time she saw it, was when it nearly killed it at the Byers house... but it still managed to escape. She breathed deeply, calming down. It's not the same one. That one was killed by Eleven. This one was just one taken. Like any monster, it needs to be put down. Steve's been hunting it down... we just gotta find him before the demogorgon does.

The other two were looking at her, gauging her reaction. So, the brunette gave one directive, "Let's go find him."

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