Unexpected Guests Pt. 2

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Tim grimaced as Kaldur walked into the kitchen "Good morning, Robin" he said in greeting as he went over to the sink to get himself cup of water before taking a seat that Dick was sitting in before. "Why does it smell strange in here?" he asked suddenly "it was like that when I woke up" Tim lied easily not wanting to reveal that his brothers where roaming around the mountain just yet. Kaldur nodded before his eyes landed on the three mugs behind him "long night?" he said motioning to them "Something like that" Tim mumbled "You need to sleep more Robin" Kaldur began to lecture making Tim roll his eyes and turn around making himself another cup to drink as he drowned out the older boy's voice, not really caring.

Thankfully it didn't continue for long as the others began to filter into the room, moving around the kitchen making themselves breakfast and generally trying to wake themselves up. Tim shook his head at the chaos, this was another thing he missed about being with his family the quiet mornings no one shouting at each other (or at least not regularly) just a comfortable shared breakfast before everyone went their separate ways for the day. He liked the way the team was in the beginning it was different but now it just exhausted him. He had never been the sociable type, he preferred the quiet, the simple, the controlled chaos that was his family.

"How are you this morning Robin?" M'gann asked cheerfully as she appeared next to him with a box of pancake mix in her hand. Tim smiled at the seemingly always cheerful girl. "I'm good, M'gann how about you?" he asked politely "I'm very good this morning. I had a very strange dream last night" she began rambling. Tim took a sip of his coffee as he listened to her chatter.

Thankfully breakfast ended quickly, and they all vacated the kitchen to finish getting ready for the day leaving Tim alone once more. He briefly thought about searching for his brothers but dispelled the thought and moved to the den to get some work done. He picked up his laptop that he had left in there the night before opening the essay he had begun and needed to finish for history. He didn't know how long he was in there for but eventually as usual the others turned up claiming varius places around the room chatting amongst the room which distracted him from his work so he closed the computer and reluctantly joined the conversation which quickly turned into a fight between Artemis and Wally when the red head said something she disagreed with. Kaldur tried to talk the pair down but all it seemed to do was fuel the fire that was the archers anger causing the girl to storm off. Tim hated how immature she was, he hated how she believed to be better then everyone else. He knew though that she would return like nothing happened.

However her return did not happen as anyone expected. An hour or so later there was a shout from the kitchen followed by something shattering. The team where on their feet and rushing into the kitchen before they even thought about moving. When Tim entered the room, he wanted to laugh at the sight but kept a straight face t but let his guard down wanting to see how this played out.

Standing in front of him was both his brothers in the kitchen looking like they had just woken up (Which made sense) Dick looked devastated at the mess of broken glass and coffee on the floor and Jason was lounging on the counter a cigarette between his lips as he fiddled with a lighter both wearing a pair of glasses similar to Tim's. Neither of them looked at all bother by the knife wielding archer in front of them, nor the team of young heroes that burst through the door however in their defence they could take out all of them without even breaking a sweat. Dick looked over at Jason with a pained expression "Hood, Coffee" he whined.

Jason looked at his brother before jumping down and moving towards his brother ignoring Artemis threats not to moved. To Tim surprise the usually violent brother allowed Dick to collapse against his shoulder "Don't worry Dickhead, replacement will make you and another okay and then we will get you something to eat and then we can relax" as Tim expected the team did not take being ignored very well. Especially Artemis who shouted making Dick flinch, Tim realised instantly what was happening and jumped in "They are my brothers" he said quickly stunning them all into silence "They are my older brothers" he repeated 

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