I don't like or trust the justice league

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Bruce was sitting at the table with the other 6 founding members of the Justice League. All were in civis discussing some of the pending issues with the newer members. Bruce wouldn't usually have a problem with it except it was being held at the manor and the other leaguers hadn't actually met the boys in person whether they were in uniform or out.

Clark aka Superman was currently talking about the disrespectful attitude a few of the younger males had. Bruce just sighed before saying "They are young men trying to prove they are worth the place" Diana scoffs "That doesn't mean we condemn the behaviour" Bruce agrees "No it doesn't, but the reasoning is understandable they have moved from a group of teenagers that they were comfortable with to a team of world renounced heroes that they have to prove that they arn't going to be pushed around and treated like children"

Oliver nods "I get it, i do but what should we do?" Bruce smirked  "We place them into the Beta teams training. Its not as demanding as Alpha but much more complex and challenging then Gamma" just as Barry and Dinah were about to comment there was a crash followed by the door swinging open revealing Bruce's youngest boys Tim and Damian.

Bruce pinched his nose with a sigh before saying "what can i do for you boys?" The youngest, Damian, spoke first "I apologise father but" before he could finish, the last two boys came in. The eldest, Dick, was clearly leaning on the slightly younger man. Tim instantly pulled out a chair and the eldest was lowered down.

The eldest looked at his father with a small smile "I'm sorry for interrupting but... yeah I don't have an excuse" Jason snorted "Prehaps the fact you fall down some stairs" Dick shook his head in protest "I did fall" fortunately he was cut of by his younger brother Tim stepped"Alfred would you be so kind as to bring Dick a glass of wine" the old butler bowed slightly and said "Of course master Timothy, ill bring along the bandages as well" and then he left.

The rest of the standing boys took seats as Dick clapped his hands before saying "So... what you guys chatting about?" Clark cleared his throat before stating "League Business" Tim and Damian rolled their eyes as Jason laughed. The leaguers had various looks of confusion so Tim took pity "You may as well tell him, he'll find out anyway. He always does" Bruce nodded along before adding "Its true, Dick seems to have a knack for it" he then turned slightly to face Dick and said "A few of the new members are finding it hard to settle"

Dick nodded and ran his hand through his hair "Ahh, totally feel for you. Been there done that. Trying to integrate the titans into adulthood heroing was a mission and a half" a few of the leaguers couldn't help but to look surprised after a miniute of the bats looking completely smug, the flash says "You were in the titans?" Jason laughed "Try founder" Clark and few others looked at the eldest for confirmation, which just caused Dick to shrug "It's true", Damian sighed and rolled his eyes "Grayson you are too modest, you founded both the titans and the young justice team" Oliver shook his head "No Bruce, founded the young justice, Didn't he?" Tim cut in and answered "No after Wally, kaldur and I broke into Cadmus and found Conner, B was ready to pull the plug on the whole operation and wanted me removed due to safety concerns. So Dick stepped in and set the whole thing up" before any one could comment Alfred returned.

He passed Dick the glass of red wine. Tim stood up and took the first aid kit. Tim knelt down beside the eldests left leg and slowly removed his shoe and sock as well as pulled his trouser leg up. He gasped softly and tightened his fists. Bruces brow furrowed as he said "What actually happened?" Dick waved him off saying it was nothing so he turned to the others.

They paid him no attention. Tim was silent in concentration, Damian was examining the leaguers and Jason sat silently watching Tim and Dick. Bruce sighed "Tell me" the eldest through up his hands "I broke up a fight between Tim and Dami which caused me to fall down a few flights of stairs" before Bruce even had a chance to speak. Tim jumped in "Your ankle isn't broken its slightly sprained and your knee was just knocked. So im just going to wrap it them both." Dick  nodded but tim wasn't done "Jay could you slowly straighten his leg i just want to check somthing"

Jason bent down and lifted his brother leg and slowly started to straighten it. Dick hissed and placed his hand on his brothers shoulder but otherwise did nothing. Tim shook his head "you really got to be more careful" Dick glared "Who was it that pushed me down the stairs?" Damian tutted "Don't pout Grayson its not a good look on you" Dick's glare intensified "Thats it both of you upstairs" Tim and Damian looked at there brother but didn't argue so jason took over.

Bruce shook his head but Barry cut in before he could talk "How did you get the titans to work with us?" They all noticed the way Jason shuddered at the memory as he stood up again and took a seat which caused Dick to laugh "Put them through an intense military style training exercise. I usually use it as a punishment but i found it works well, when i need newbies to see the more experienced heroes struggle" Clark was slightly gob smacked "what do you mean struggle?" Jason snorted "Dickie bird here has made grown male men to cry"

Diana scoffed "I am Diana princess of the Amazons, I very much doubt that a mans mere military training excersize would make me a goddess to 'Struggle'" Dick nods and Jason laughed "Is that so? Then you wouldn't mind if we made it a challenge" somthing about smug looks on Jasons and Bruces faces irked Clark and the passive expression on Dicks made it no better "Uh...no i think we'll take your word for it" Dick downed the rest of his wine and made to stand up. Before anyone had a chance to blink jason was at his side.

As he stood up he said "im going to check on our brothers please excuse us" as they got to the door Barry said "Do you think you can get the newbies to work as part of a team?" Dick and jason stopped , dick turned slightly and said "No" Oliver who never knew when to shut up asked "why?" Dick shruged before saying "I dont like or trust the justice league" and with that the boys left the newly found havoc in there wake.

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