Barry was frowning at all the flashing lights and loud group of Paparazzi, while Hal was grinning wildly and waving all to pleased with himself. God, he was such attention seeking hor sometimes. Honestly, Barry didn't know why he was even here when he could be at home with Iris, cuddling on the couch, with a glass of wine and trashy TV. All activities that would never be revealed to the team, especially Hal. Batman probably already knew, his talent in stalking was just nothing to laugh about anymore.
To the fastest man alive it was strange for him to be smiling with flashing going off around him, truth is he wants nothing more than speeding away, but that would probably reflect badly on the team since this was a whole group thing in an attempt to increase positive PR and as far as he knows Negative PR would be quite counterproductive and nobody would appreciate one of the worlds heroes running away. Hence why he is here in costume along with Superman, wonder women, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern.
Suddenly out of nowhere, the cameras start flashing twice as fast, the screams and chants of reporters (If you could even call them that) got louder. Having no clue what was happening he looked over at Hal to see if he did, which it was clear that he did considering the smirk that took over his face as he looked at the crowd. The finger that Hal was pointing over his shoulder, made him turn around. He thought he would see a movie star or something along those lines. But it wasn't at least not one that he knew of. It was a family, A man and 4 boys variating in age. The eldest looked like he was about eighteen, the next looked as though he was about sixteen or seventeen, the third boy looked about fourteen or fifteen and finally the youngest look as though he was about eight-ten years old.
All four of them were dressed smartly and smiling at the papz widely as though they had just spurted a really good joke. All four of them were insanely handsome with dark hair and bright blue eyes. Next, to him, Green Arrow furrowed his brow before growling out "What are the Waynes doing here? I thought this was for heroes" Superman smiled before saying "It is. They were nominated due to all there charitable work. If they win this year, it will be there fifth time in a row." Barry turned back to Clark to look at him "Are you a fan or smothing?" the man of steel smirked before saying two words "Or somrthing"
Wonder Women sniffed distastfully "You would think that the pres would be more intrested in actual heroes then some family" Superman scoffed "They are called the white nights of Gotham for a reason you know, Diana" He paused "They do just as much for that city as the Bat-Clan, plus i hear that they are kidnapped and threatened much more then most"
Barry was laughing internally, it was a official the great kryptonian was a fanboy, a super staker fanboy apparently. He probably traded trading cards and had a shrine inside his closet. Barry didn't think it was so far as to assume that the super hero had a super manly man crush on Bruce Wayne. The guy probably wanted to adopt the kids and protect and hug them to death like the giant teddy bear he is. Barry shook his head with a sigh. What in the world is wrong with my head? he thought to himself, this is going to be a long night.
The night was going surprisingly fine Barry chatted to Waynes oldest son Richard Grayson who preffured to by Dick, he even had a small talk With Bruce Wayne himself but that didn't really last that long as the awards were starting to eb given out. Before the Heroic Actions Award was annouced all the super hero gathered together and waited the annuncement.
A guy with grey hair and sparkling green eyes stood center stage "And the winner of the Heroic Actions Award goes to the Waynes for the fifth time in a row. All the heroes but Superman gasped at that, HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE Wonder Women thoguht to herself.
They watched as the family of five took the stage and everything was going fine as Jason Todd was talking about the next event. Everyone seemed to enjoy the speech, except for the heroes. Even Superman was bored out of his mind and was seriously considering sneaking out. But he was so glad he didn't. The room exploded.
Superman would never admit it out loud but it took him a few moments to relise what was happening. To be fair in his defence, he was not expecting men with guns to burst into the room and start targeting the Wayne's. All in All it was a stupid plan, any other award show they may of gotten away with it but this one had some of the founding members of the justice league at it.
It took less then 1O miniutes to dispose of the Gun wielders. The only problem was that the Wayne kids were no were to be seen. Wayne himself was sitting on the side of the stage with a busted lip and a clearly bruising eye and jaw, the paramedics made a beeline towards him, but the man didn't look worried at all. Movement caught his eye and he looked up to see Jason literally repelled down the curtain. As he touched the ground he automatically started straightening out his shirt and fixing his sleeves. Next came Tim, sliding down the curtain as if it were a rope. When the next to boys didn't come down as well, superman looked up to see, Damian starting his descent down the curtain and Dick standing at the top, with his arms spread wide as if he was going to embrace the ground and he then fell forward.
Voice catching in his throat, Clark watched in horror as the boy fall. He was about to launch himself forward to catch the boy, when he noticed that the man was in a controlled fall. The man flipped and turned and flipped some more with the grace of an Olympic gymnast as he hit the ground he twisted into some rolls and handsprings to soften his landing.
Dick ended with a flourish. Bowing at the stunned crowd. Tim started to reluctantly slow clap and Jason and Damian who had just touched down, rolled their eyes and scoffed as if they saw this all the time. which they probably did. Dick just winked and walk back over to the microphone and said with a grin "I'm a circus brat, what can I really say?"
Jason swaggered over to Dick and shoved him out the way before leaning into the microphone "You also can't miss the chance to show off, douchebag, No are we going to continue this shindig or what?" Everyone couldn't help but look at the second eldest Wayne kid as if he was certifiably insane and the justice league had a sneaking suspicion that he probably was. Jason just sniffed while glaring.
The great man of steel watched Bruce stand up and rush over to his kids and said to the crowd "You got to excuse my kids, we are from Gotham. This isnt exactly unusual, people from our city tend to just ignore events like this. But in any other city such as this one when a bank robber says drop to the ground you do it. However in Gotham you kind of just laugh about it get on with your day plus a great story to tell at dinner."
Tim raised an eyebrow at his father before saying rather sarcastically as well as clearly imitating someone "What! No way, thought that only happened on TV! You're telling me that,that actually happens in real life! On the streets!"
All the leaguers especially Clark felt like they had fallen into another universe after all this wasnt the first time he had met the Wayne's, he interviews them quite a lot in his day job after all, but never had he relised how insane they were. They were literally just attacked and now they were standing on stage squabbaling. But never mind, it gave Clark a good story for tomorrows paper.
Superman turned to his team and couldnt hold in his laugh as Hal said "Can't wait till I tell the bat this, even he has got to find it funny" Superman could help but slightly agree, the bat is definatly going to quirk a smile. Flash also silently agreed and said "If not, nightwing and Red Hood are are going to die laughing" For a brief moment Superman wondered what the Bat-Clan were up to, However he was knocked out of that train of thought when the youngest Wayne damian launched himself at Tim and Dick was forced to prey them a part.
Clark figured that Batman and his army of four robins had the right idea to skip this one. The bloody bats musta know so thing like his was going to happen.
Bat-Family Oneshots
FanfictionThe bat family are back once again for a bunch of new adventures. Everyone knows the batfamily whether they're in uniform or not, they fight like cats and dogs, but what they may or may not know is that if you mess with one you mess with them all. L...