circus act close call

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To say Batman was pissed was the understatement of the year. The young justice team had gone out on a mission without his premission and once he had finally found out what it was he worried. He watched as the team preformed and the way his oldest son moved in the air worried him.

That he might fall to his deaths like his parents....

That he might stay in the circus....

He is 18, he is a legal adult.

Bruce heard a gasp behind him and suddently his three other sons gathered round him. "Is that dick?!" Tim asked. Bruce nodded before saying "Yes, him and the other are on a mission i didnt authorise. But there must be a good reason to go and to have taken back up with him"

"I don't see the speedster" Jason said as he took a closer look and sure enough the annoying red haired speedster wasn't there. "Wally knows to much about Dicks past and with Dick undercover at Halys he--" Bruce was cut off by his three sons screaming "what!?" And "Halys" Simultaneously. Bruce sighed as Damian said "No he can't stay with them! Bring hin home! NOW!"

All of his sons jerked back as they looked frozen in horror. Bruce went numb. Dick had missed M'ganns hands as was falling. Both tim and Bruce had the horrific image of his parents falling on the night of the circus.

Jason covered both his younger brother's eyes. When Bruce and Jason were sure they were about to witness the oldest birds death, conner tossed one of the barrels that got Dick back into the air and since they were watching closely they noticed M'gann use her telekinesis and there hands connected.

Bruce and Jason let out a breath of relief "He's safe...Dick is okay..." Bruce whispered and Jason removed his hands. Everyone was shaking. "He almost..." Tim whispered. They stood there a while in shock and relief. Seeing the close call terrified them beyond belief.


Batman was waiting for them as the bio-ship touched the hanger floor and the team filed out one by one, each going to there respectful destinations. Nightwing walked towards Batman with a rather grim expression. "Mission was successful, parasite was stealing stuff for a black hole. He's on his way to Belle Reeve now. Listen B im really sorry i never told you"

Batman signed quietly before placing a hand on elders sons shoulder. "Let's go back to the cave. I don't think you want to be chewed out here" Nightwing nodded before following, he stumbled Batman's arm instantly shot out to steady his shaking son.

They arrived at the cave a dick pulled away going over to the medical area to get a check up.  Bruce followed behind.  He watched as his father figure started the check up before talking "You scared the hell out of us when you fall, the boys wouldn't  leave the batcomputer because they need to make sure you were okay" his son closed his eyes before breathing deeply "I'm sorry, when parasite was wishing me good luck he patted my shoulder. He got my acrobatic skill and used it to break into the facilities. The effects lasted longer then i thought and I couldn't back out of the performance...."

Bruce stepped forward when alfred was done and embraced his son in a tight hug. Bruce closed his eyes before letting out a shuddering breath "I can't lose you...Any of you...Did you even think  about what would of happened to us if you had actually-" Dick let out a sob and Bruce shushed and rocked him quietly. He had learned a long time ago that all his kids knew about the risks of this life. 

Dick looked up slightly from where his head was nested against his fathers neck. "Are you angry with me?" Bruce shook his head "No...but i want you to promise to never do it again. Don't just ever go of like that and don't ever acrobat if you're sick, injured or a parasite saps you, you may be eighteen but your still my Robin and i cant protect you if your not near me..."

Dick nodded before resting his head once again "I promise dad...i think im going to stay in from patrol for a few days before flying again. Ill get jay to do my routes." Bruce rested his head on the black hair "Sounds like a plan chum" Dick sighed "I'm going to have the feathers cuddled out of me arnt i, i saw Damian when we came in he looked like he wanted to run me through with his katana"

"I'm tempted to let him"

Dick sighned again accepting his fate as he was rocked again. He knew when he left he was going to be in trouble but he hadn't been sure that Bruce would have let him if he had asked "i wasn't going to stay with them....i miss them yes, but this is my home now, and you have all admitted that you need me, i wasn't going to leave you like that" Bruce close his eyes "I'm going to hold you to that...lets go upstairs, the cave is cold and you said it yourself you need to rest"


When Dick got to his room he found all three of his brothers in his bed. When he lay down Both Tim and Damian snuggled closer to his sides. He sighed and looked up at the flying Grayson poster on the wall, between the two tall windows. Being back at the circus had been both great and painful but he held out and returned back to his home and his family that loved him more then he deserved. He closed his eyes and started to drift when he heard the door open.

"-ight here masters bruce"

"I know Alfred...but we were so close to losing him today and i wasn't there to save him"

"Its to late to protect any of them from this life...all we can do is hope that they return to us safe and well"

Bruce let out a frustrated sigh. Before waking over to the bed and dick felt his his bangs being moved from his eyes before the hand rested on his cheek. "I cant loose him i judt cant" Dick let out a hum as the hand repeatedly ran through his head.

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