First mission

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Me: can we just attack alreadyyy

Amon: no there is a line of ghouls with guns shooting at anything they see!

I shift closer to Juuzou to whisper..

Me: wanna use itsuki's motorcycle to good use?

Juuzou: yes! I know what you are thinking let's do it

I grab two machine guns and strap one of them on to Juuzou's back the I get on the bike with him.

Itsuki: aye stitches what do you think your doing!?

Me: going out for a joy ride!

Juuzou: *rides the bike of a ramp aiming straight for windows with ghouls lined up against and when we get close enough we jump off the bike*


Juuzou: MIMI


me and Juuzou: MO


I crash through a window and shoot the ghoul standing there while Juuzou took out another one at a different window.   We both took out all the ghouls there, manipulating every bullet aiming for just the ghouls and not each other.  We swiftly went in circles killing every single one.  When we were done I decapitated the head of two ghouls, Juuzou decapitated 3 and we go up to the window and show the CCG, it only took a few minutes.

Juuzou:  come on let's go!

Me:  before more come!

They started infiltrating the building.

???: Hikari?

A heard someone say my old name, Juuzou didn't realize that I had stopped running so we split up.

Me:  huh?

???: Is that really you?

Me:  oh hey toga!  Weren't you a human before? Were you always ghoul? And it's y/n now by the way so please call me that!

Toga:  Sorry I didn't know, ever since mama gave you away I haven't seen you.

Me:  don't talk about mama, you never answered me, were you always ghoul?

Toga:  Yes, I was.

Me: oh, well enough chit chat I need to get to killing you already

Toga:  wait I thought-

Me:  sorry toga but this is my job now!

I run up to her, throw 47 knives at her, she manages to dodge 10.   She didn't have enough time to heal, almost as if she hasn't been eating much.   She released her kagune. Whatever,  I grab my gun and shot her three times, one in her leg making her fall over, the second on her arm..

Me: bye bye toga

Boom, the last one in her throat.  Then I started stabbing her with my knife.

Me: I know you are so close to death but wait come on I know you can!  Don't break yet silly make this fun for me *says while giggling*

Toga:  I-I..l-ove..yo-u little-sis

Me:  aww she died no fun [its not like i was actually her sis anyways we were just close]

I got up

[what a dragggg atleast I'll get a cute quinque out of her]

I left the room running into so many ghouls-

Ghoul 1: oh look hey what a cutie, are you sure you want to die here little girl?

Ghouls: *starts laughing*

I slice one of the ghouls throat leaving him on the ground and helpless but still alive, I stabbed him a few more time not giving him time to heal. Then I went for the two other ghouls behind me and threw my knives at them. I take out my gun and shoot them all in the head, except for ghoul 1.

Me: you sure that I'm going to be the one dying today?

Ghoul 1: stop please it hurts stop.. just kill me damn it I want to die kill me please *crying*

I repeatedly stab him over and over making sure to keep him alive for as long as possible.. 79 stabs, 79 stabs it took to kill him plus three gun shots. I started giggling with blood all over me and not a single drop of it being mine. I looked out the window at the night sky, looking for the moon. A few minutes later I walk into a different room where I saw my crimson eyed friend. Then I saw him finishing off a big man, with blonde hair. They talked about him at the meeting we had, it was Jason!

Me: ooo I see you killed him

Juuzou: *turns to look at me* oh my god y/n are you okay? You have blood all over you!

Me: not a single drop of it is mine.

Juuzou: ooo that's my bestie!

Me: hey Juuzou..

Juuzou: Y/n I need to tell you something

He walks up to me and wipes the blood off of my face with his shirt.

Juuzou: you're a messy killer *he says while smiling*

Me: is that what you had to tell me *I say while rolling my eyes*

He grabbed my hand pulling me in, our bodies where touching. I could feel the tension, I want him, I want to hug him and kiss him. I wrap my arms on his neck and he grabs my waist. Then the building started rumbling.

Juuzou: damn it, I'll tell you after we get out off here.

Me: okay

He drags Jason's body back to the CCG and I stayed beside him.

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