The confession

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We got back home and Juuzou pulled me into his room.

Juuzou:  I like you okay.  Not just like a best friend but I really like you, like a like like, like... Can you be my... girlfriend?

Me: *shocked face* JUUZOUUUU I was gonna tell you firsttttt!!! Of course I will be your girlfriend!!

Juuzou: really! I'm so happy *smiles with eyes closed*but... what do couples do?

Me: I was just wondering the same thing.

Shinohara:  *knock knock* Juuzou we have to go to the CCG, Itsuki needs to talk to yo- *opens door* oh hey y/n

Me: hey mr.Shinohara

Juuzou: mr.Shinohara guess what!

Shinohara:  what's up kid

Juuzou:  y/n's my girlfriend now! *Whispers to him* but I need help because we both don't know what to do after this.

Shinohara:  you guys should go on a date, I'll tell you about it later but *stops whispering* Juuzou get ready we have to go.  Congratulations kids!

Me:  thanks mr.Shinohara, bye darling I'll see you later!

As I walk out juuzou jumps on me

Juuzou:  bye y/n-Chan I'll miss you

Me:  don't worry it won't be that long *kisses his forehead* ill miss you too

I want to go and eat something, I told juuzou I would go to anteiku with him but since he got called in I'll go by myself.  I went to my room and changed.  I put on a simple dress mama gave me a while ago and I still fit, then I put my white button up shirt over and left it unbuttoned.  I left my gun on too. I put on my shoes and walked over to anteiku.

I girl with short purple hair covering one eye came up to me.

Me: Hello, is Nishiki here?

???: I think, he should be, by the way my name is touka nice to meet you. I'll call him right over for you.

Me: thanks.

Touka: Nishiki, do you have another girlfriend? geez.

Nishiki: huh!? Are you stupid that's my kid cousin ew

Touka: hm okay good I was going to snitch on you.

*Nishiki walks over to me*

Me: hiiii

Nishiki: what do you want?

Me: same as always, also guess what!

Nishiki: Touka can you make a sandwich and lemonade for me thanks.

Touka: I never even said ye-

Nishiki: anyways what's up?

Me: i have a boyfriend nowww, but I need advice.

Nishiki:  who the hell would date you!?

Me:  his name is juuzou, suzuya juuzou.

Nishiki:  ohhhh that white haired kid, makes sense now.  Anyways what do you need advice with?

Me:  well I know you have a girlfriend so I was wondering what do you guys do?

Nishiki:  *chokes on coffee remembering when hide walked in on him* well..we go out on dates, like picnics and she eats her favorite foods and snacks, we can even watch a view and listen to music.  Or we go to the movie theater and watch something we like.  It depends really on what you like to do.

Me:  i seeee, well me and juuzou are investigators so do you think killing ghouls can be a date?

Nishiki:  what? You're a dove?? You know I'm a ghoul right?

Me:  oh yes but don't worry, I'll keep you safe and the people you care about big cousin. 

Nishiki:  well I don't care about many people and anyways I guess that could be a date. 

Touka:  here's the sandwich and lemonade, enjoy!

Me:  thanks  *i start eating*

Nishiki: woah slow down ur gonna choke.

Me: I'm hungry I only ate breakfasttttt.. Nishiki do you and your gf kiss? How do you kiss someone?

Nishiki: you've seriously never kissed anyone?

Me: no I have.

Nishiki:  then why are you asking?

Me:  well because I've only kissed one boy when I was like 11 back with mama, he was 13.

Nishiki:  y/n, you will know how to do it when the time is right. Trust me it isn't something I can explain and yes I do it with my gf.

Me:  okay thank you!

Nishiki: yea yea whatever.

Yoshimura:  Nishiki, you need to get back to work.

Nishiki: *looks at me*

Me: it's cool, I need to call Jade anyways.

Nishiki:  Okay cya around I guess.

I take out my phone to call Jade, I need to tell her the news.

Juuzou's POV
      In Shinohara's car

Juuzou:  mr.Shinohara, I know how to go on dates and stuff but how should I kiss? I mean it's not that I'm going to I'm just asking.

Shinohara:  you've never kissed anyone before?

Juuzou:  i mean i did, when I was 13 back with mama, there was a girl there but that's all. I don't even know if I did it right.

Shinohara:  Juuzou there isn't really a right way to do it.  You both need to love each other for it to feel right you know?  I don't know how to explain it but it'll make sense when it happens.

Juuzou:  i know what you mean.  Back then when I was with the girl there I wanted to keep her safe. i don't think that I will kiss y/n because i don't know if she wants t-

Shinohara:  also try to keep the making out inside the rooms please.

Juuzou: did you not hear me?-

Shinohara:  seeing how close you two are, I'll give it 3 days *chuckles*

Juuzou: *huffs*

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