Training with Arima

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I wake up, I try to forget all of what happened.  I can't think about, not right now atleast. 

Rei is still sleeping, I carefully unwrap his arms and legs that were holding me down and get up.  I get ready wearing some shorts and a t shirt with suspenders. 

Surprisingly, mr.Shinohara's letting me drive his car, he said that he wanted to walk today.  He also made me drive with him in the car to see if I'm not going to destroy his car.

I'm actually a really good driver, sometimes.

To be honest I do like to drive, there's these underground tunnels I love driving through.  I usually play "black out days" or "consume" through those tunnels.  It gives me a flash of excitement.

Driving at night is also fun.  If you go somewhere where it's really dark it's a little creepy, but I like creepy.

I love foggy days, and driving through places where there's nothing but trees while playing "rosylin"  is also really nice.  Jade and I would never miss an opportunity to do that. 

During winter when it's snowing, driving through places where there also a lot of trees while playing cigarettes after sex feels like home.

Right now it's still dark, so I'm going to play some cigarettes after sex.  I also want to play "tell it" since it's also a full moon, even though I listen to that song a lot. 

I have my own motorcycle, it's still at jades house.  We reported the incident and mr.Shinohara suggested that I should stay home but I don't want to, after all everyone dies.  To be fair I also really want to train with Arima.

The voices in my head aren't loud as normal, that's because when I'm driving I always blast music.  Every time I'm in a car, I can't be in a car without music.

My life revolves around music.
Music expresses emotions i want to say say but can't.
It exploits vulnerable feelings that I'm not custom to feeling.
I get chills and shivers when I hear something that's beauty to my ears.

After a few minutes I get to the CCG.  It's still really early, and I'm a little sleepy but I'm not tired.  I'm mentally drained but I'll be fine as long as I get to kill something today.

I head to Arimas office and he was already waiting for me. 

Arima: you're on time

Me: what you surprised?

Arima: a bit

I follow him to another room, it was big and empty, it looks like a training room but a different training room then the first one I went to.   It's way bigger.  The lights are turned off, and arima doesn't turn them on.

Arima:  for your first week, we will be fighting in the dark.

Me:  okay but what's that gonna help with.

Arima: that will help you rely more on your non visual senses like touch and intuition.  If you master this, fighting will be as easy as drinking water. 

Me: okay yea that makes sense I guess.

Arima: okay let's start.

My heart starts to race, it's because of the fact that I can't see.

I hear his footsteps they start getting closer. They're way slower than usual, that's probably because he knows I'm still new at this. When I hear his footsteps right behind my I jump forward since I didn't know if the blow was going to com win from the right or the left.

I dodged whatever was coming at me.

Back with mama, she used to do a lot of things to me in the dark.  But now it's completely different, I'm not tide up and I'm free to move and hit back.

I hear arimas footsteps, and I tried running towards him as quietly as possible but it was no use, he still dodged.  I then took my shoes off and threw them across the room, helping me distract arima and making me even quieter. 

I ran towards him right as I let go of my shoe and then hit arima, he dodged most of the blow but I still touched him. 

Arima: I heard about your friends.

I stop letting him get a hit on me.

Arima: rule number one don't get distr-

Me:  shut up.  Don't talk about them. Ever.

I try to find the door to leave.

Arima:  training isn't over.

Me: I want to leave.

Arima: then find the door and open it.

Me: well obviously I would do it if I could see

Arima laughs at my dissatisfaction when my hand reaches a closet door instead of the way out.

Me: wow you can smile?

Arima: shut up you're just stupid enough to make me laugh.

I turn on the closet light which shines bright enough for me to find which direction I should head. When I get to the exit door I realize it's locked.

Me: why the hell did you-

Arima comes running to me knocking me down to the ground.

Arima: because I knew you'd try to leave.

Me: well get off me and unlock the door so that I can leave. I'm tired

I close my eyes for a few moment almost falling asleep. I wasn't actually tired but if I close my eyes for long enough I can start to drift off.

I heard the door opening and then arimas hand wrapped around my shirt lifting me up. I knew he was strong but damn he's really strong.

Me: well I'm gonna go now, mr.Shinohara and juuzou told me that we have a meeting.

Arima: I'm actually going there myself.

Me: then let's walk together

Arima: fine.

Once we get to the meeting I sit down beside Juuzou. He was in between mr.Shinohara and I, mr.Shinohara looked a little... frustrated. Juuzou must have done something before I got here.

We have to sit down for like an hour to just re listen to something we planned a while ago. It's so boringgg

Juuzou starts whispering.

Juuzou: we should just leave.

He was talking to himself, that was for sure not directed towards anyone. His lips were soft, I haven't kissed him all day today. I couldn't help but to stare. My eyes wouldn't move but then his blood red eyes caught my attention.

His lips curved into a smile making soft pink appear on my cheeks. He whispers again.

Juuzou: i want to kiss you.

This makes my cheeks flood with red. I couldn't help but to cover my face with my hand. I whisper back to him.

Me: do it.

His cheeks got all red, comments like these always makes him want to do so much more to me but now knowing he can't he won't.

He takes my hand and squeezes it and I do it back.

I want this meeting to end already.

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