The kidnapping

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As I turn around


received a blow to the head. I was starting to block out as the guy said...

???: names ayato, ur mom and dad wanted you home.

I tried to get up but it was as i was spinning around, and about to fall over. What did he hit me with?

Ayato: you're pretty strong, and pretty. Don't worry I can't kill you yet.

He picked me up and then I blacked out.


Me: ayato.. who's that?

Ayato: are you stupid that's me. You're supposed to be asleep right now.

Me: guess you didn't hit me hard enough. Where am I?

Ayato: ur mom and dad wanted to see you. They want you to join us.

Me: me? I'm not even a ghoul tho- and neither is mum and papa

Ayato: no they are ghouls now, and you can be one too.

Me: i don't want to.

Mum: honey, welcome home.

Me: huh? You bastards left me you've got to be even more insane than me and reí combined if you think I'm staying here.

Papa: now is that an appropriate way to talk to your mom. I think not.

He slaps me across the face making me bleed. I was tied down so it wasn't like I could do anything. They had metal chains wrapped around me.

Me: get this shit off of me.

Ayato: sorry can't.
He says with a smile.

Papa: did you miss us?

Me: no. Fuck y-

Mum slaps me across the face again and then I spit on her. Papa started punching me.

Papa: looks like you lost your manners. Papa has gotta teach you a lesson.

He eventually stopped. I don't know when or anything I spaced out for most of it. Good thing i can barely feel pain.

The next day

Ayato walks in.

Ayato: why are you so stubborn.

Me: what do you mean?

Ayato: why don't you just listen to what they tell you.

Me: no. Are you stupid!? Do you know the shit they've done to me?? I couldn't care less anymore but I'm not going back.

Ayato: Hikari, they are going to keep on hurting you if you don't listen.

Me: ok and? It's not like a can feel it anyways. And by the way my name is y/n.

Ayato: y/n?

Me: ya i changed it a while ago.

Ayato: are ur parents okay with it?

Me: i don't now nor do I care.

Ayato comes closer to me, inches away from my face.

Ayato: stop being such a baby and do as you're told.

Me: make. Me.

He grabs my necks and throws me onto the ground.

Ayato: you can't even move, I'de watch it if I were you.

Me: i couldn't care less what you do.

Ayato: don't you have a boyfriend?

Me: yea and?

Ayato: so you couldn't care less if I kiss you?

Me: he'll kill you if you do but then again he would love to do that anyways.

He gets too close to my face, and then I come in closer.

Me: get. The. Fuck. Away. From my face.

Ayato: piece of advice, stay quite when they talk to you.

He says while walking out. I hope Rei gets here soon, maybe he hasn't even noticed that I'm gone.

Juuzou's POV

I walked into y/n's room but she wasn't there. That's not like her, she might have stayed at jades house but she would've told me. 

Me: hey mr.Shinohara have you seen y/n?

Shinohara:  no i was just about to ask you the same thing.  She might be at CCG already.

Me: hm maybe.

I took the keys to my motorcycle and then went out to jades house.  Well it's not my motorcycle I just borrowed it.  When I got at jades house I went up to the door and started to knock.

Alex: oh hey Juuzou!

Me: hey, have any of you guys seen or heard from y/n? 

Jade: no. Why is she okay?

Me: probably, I just haven't seen her. Well I got to go I'm in a rush, see you guys later. And text me if you hear anything.

I left before they could say anything back, I wanted to go to anteiku to ask nishiki, since that's her cousin, he must know something.  Mr.Shinohara started calling me.

Me: hello

Shinohara: hey Juuzou, y/n isn't here have you found her?

Me: no, I'm on my way to another stop to see if they've heard from her.

Shinohara: damn it. I wonder where she is. Let me know as soon as you find something.

Me: yessir.

I hang up.  When I got to anteiku i walked in.

Me: hi is Nishiki here?

Touka: yep give me a second. 

Me: okay.

Nishiki: oh hey, you're y/n's boyfriend.

Me: yep. I was wondering if you've heard from y/n?

Nishiki: yep yesterday afternoon, well around 7:30.

Me:  wait really? Did you know where she went?

Nishiki: well I know she got home but other than that I don't know.

Me:  did she happen to say anything to you?

Nishiki: obviously, she was talking about her parents.

That's when it hit me.  They took her from me or she willingly wanted to go back to her parents. I doubt it. I'm pretty sure she loves mama more than her real parents. I got up to leave, my heart sank. I'm supposed to protect her and I've failed. I have no goddamn clue where she is or if she's alive. Damn it.

Nishiki: kid are you alright?

Me: uh.. yea. I have to go now. Thanks.

I call mr.Shinohara and told him about what happened. He started to put together squads and some detectives are trying to figure out where she can be.

I need to save her.

I will save her.

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