Oklahoma Part 1

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His Little Food Monster:

Bishop and Gibbs pairing nothing explicit mainly innuendo. Please read, review and vote usual disclaimers apply. AU but references to previous seasons. Hope you enjoy it.


It had started on their way home from her childhood home in Oklahoma. Gibbs had joined Bishop there when she needed time after finding out that Jake had been cheating on her.

"I could use a navigator"

"Huh, You know I ain't very good at that thing" pointing at her phone's GPS system

"I know, that's why you are going to look after these" she replied with a smile handing him a big bag of snacks and sweets.

He nodded he had his orders and made himself comfortable.

They were a little down the road when he held up the bag of sweets.

"Err Bishop"

"Yes boss"

"We may have to stop in a few miles cuz this aint gonna last"

"Oh you're a funny boy aren't you"

"I try" he said with the most gorgeous smile she had seen from him

God that smile had melted her heart in an instant. She was sure it was just a rebound effect from the breakup with Jake, but she took it as she wasn't gonna be kissing her boss anytime soon..

They decided to stop over at a motel to help break up the drive. They drove into the parking lot, he sat back in the seat whilst she went in and got their room key. Before leaving she asked

"Okay to share a room"

"Sure" he replied getting out of the car and grabbing the lifesavers into his pocket.

Enjoying the early evening sun on his face. She walked back over to the car and smiled.

"You sir look very content" he smiled and opened his arms so she could snuggle up to him.

He held her just taking in the moment "will have a second night somewhere else."

She looked up at him surprised.

"Good thing I'm the boss" after Bishop was about to ask if he was sure. He put his finger over her lips to stop her.

She smiled, "Hope there is good food" He laughed taking her by the hand.

"Come on my little food monster lets go"

"Room 82"

After dumping their overnight bags in the room they ate at a local steakhouse and whilst in the bedroom he led on the bed, in his shorts and NIS t-shirt.

He then dipped in to some lifesavers

"You hungry?"

"Ah just needed something to suck" She blushed as she knew she would suck on him night or day, she went back to reading her book


"Yeah" of course he had to notice the damn blush.

"Something wrong"

"Oh err no just thinking"

"I hope you're thinking what I am" his voice filled with passion, he motioned for her to come lie next to him, which she did after carefully placing her book on the side table.

"I..." she began not really knowing what she wanted or how far he was willing to go.

"Hey what happens here can stay here plus I know this is just a rebound from Jake"
She nodded

They now faced each other on their sides his calloused hand cupped her head stroking her cheek, yet it was gentle and she closed her eyes briefly enjoying the moment.

"I don't know if I can deal with anything like this right now"

"Just let me hold you" he whispered she snuggled up to him as he put his arm around her, kissing her on the head.

Knowing that they were safe in each other's arms for the night and that for both of them was enough for now.

He awoke first, he had to untangle himself from her, but she was still sound asleep and hadn't noticed as he went to the head.

Back in the bedroom he took out some of his blend of coffee and made up a cup. "Morning sleepy," he said as she looked over at him

"Morning, any for me"

"Sure" he walked over to her letting her sip out of his mug she smiled after taking a sip.

"Nice" trying not to be incomplete shock that he had just shared his coffee, she then looked up and down his arm

"Looking at where you plumb it in"

He had sat down on the bed next to her

"Funny girl"

"I try" she responded with her perfect smile that melted his heart

"Thank you for last night"

"I just did as asked, no need to thank me."

"You did more than you know."
Holding her both feeling that connection

"Seriously it's what I needed" as she kissed him on the cheek. He smiled, deep down he wanted to kiss her properly, but he knew he would screw things up.

That was it for now she went in to the bathroom alone and got showered before he went in and did the same.


She didn't even reply

"Yeah it was rhetorical" holding up his hands.

"So food monster huh, have to call you something."

"Nothing too crazy Bishop"

He playfully scowled and emitted a low growl at her.

After pancakes and coffee for him and extra
bacon with hers they set off on their next day of travels. Stopping every so often to stretch legs or get more coffee.

Hope you have enjoyed chapter 1, please do let me know what you think

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