Figuring it out P3

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Just before they got in to the car park at work.

"Be safe my little food monster", "you too my growler."

"I don't think I'll be out much today" he growled

"Okay. Good" she whispered

He turned as if he had heard that. She smiled "come on let's get you upstairs so you can ice the knee."

Just as they got out of the car Dinozzo appeared

"Morning boss"

"Morning err here" handing him a cookie in a bag

"Ooh thanks"

"For yesterday sorry."
"Don't worry boss all good I promise." Huh Tony thought

He hobbled over to the elevator

They followed suit

"Any leads on the car?"

"McGee may have something"

"He already here"

"Yeah boss..." as they entered the elevator

"McGee" growled Gibbs as he rested on the desk

"Oh morning all we found something"

"You pull an all-nighter?"

"Not quite Bishop, but we have found the car"


"Abby is in too Tony"

"Okay great can you..."

"Already being brought in.. is it alright if I go get coffee"

"Yeah go..." Gibbs then rubbed his ribs the bruise was less painful but still he was in pain.

He finally sat down and McGee brought back coffee which was welcomed.
Abby then called him down, so he slowly made his way down to her lab.

"Abs what you got?"
"How are you? I hear the knee is giving..."
Handing her the Caf-pow and giving her his tired look was enough
"Okay but no going to crime scenes."

"A car with nothing in"


"This car is totally brand new correct plates but I think we've been set up."


"Sorry Gibbs I'll keep digging but I think this one was either brought or stolen from a car dealer."

"Thanks Abs"

His phone rang

"Yeah Gibbs"

"What do you mean okay let's go and pick me up a vest?"
He was getting a look from a concerned Abs, "I'll be careful I promise."

They drove out downtown to where they saw the officer who called in the body now standing on a ledge threatening to jump.

"Boss this is the officer who was due to come today, now apparently he went mad last night drank a few too many"


"Possible McGee is looking in to it, now there is a step up to where he is, I can do it or we can get Probie."
"No, I'll go" he growled out

"Are you sure with that knee?"

"He only wants to speak to Gibbs Tony" McGee advised sternly

"I'm fine" putting on the vest over his hoody.

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